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Luke's POV

I can feel the pain in my back as I continue to type. I have been hunched over my laptop for about 7 hours sttraight doing a school paper and I have written about 30 words. I feel like I am going die.

"Luke! Lucas Robert Hemmings! If you don't come down here in the next 10 minutes I will come up there and drag you down here!" My mum yells from downstairs. I love her so much she is amazing. Everyone always complains about their parents but I wouldn't change my mum for the world. But I'm not a mumm's boy. Not at all..

"Alright I'm coming just a second!" I shout my response back at her. I save my sad excuse of an essay before clsoing my laptop and running down the stairs and into the kitchen. When I get there my mum and my two brothers are already starting to eat. I grab my plate and sit down across from my brother Ben before stuffing my face. 

"So Luke, how is school going?" my other brother Jack asks. See he doesn't go to school anymore, he graduated two years ago and still lives with us so he doesnt have to pay rent while he's in Uni. "Yeah it's going alright, the school is really weird though, like, it's really clean." Everyone starts laughing then they continue to eat. 

"So, any hot guys at your new school?" ben asks me while putting a fork full of steak in his mouth. I laugh before answering him. "Yeah, I mean. This town is full of hot guys! There's a few I would just love to jump." I starting eating again as they start choking on their food. I start laughing again as my mother scolds me for being innapropriate. "In all seriousness, I haven't really seen any guys worth my time. They are all fucking idi-" I am interuppted by my mum shouting from the kitchen. "LANGUAGE" My brothers and I laugh before we finish our dinner. 

I run back up to my room and grab my towel before rushing to the bathroom before the others. They always leave the bathroom messy so I have to make sure I get in before them. I set my towel down on the bathtub and proceed take my clothes off. Just as I am turning the water on, someone startsbanging on the door. I laugh before getting in. 

I rinse my body before I start to wash my hair. I use my mothers raspberry scented shampoo and wash it out. Once I have my conditioner in I start to wash my face. I mean, I can't have any pimples. Once I'm done in the shower I turn the water off and grab my towel, wrapping it around my waist as I step out. I grab another towel off of the towel rack and start to dry my hair a bit. I stop and look at myself in the mirror.

"I am smart, I am beautiful, people like me. I am smart, I am beautiful, people like me." I look away from the mirro and down to the floor. I have never liked my appearance. That's why I wear makeup and girls clothes, they make me feel beautiful.

I grab my stuff and walk back to my room. I shut my door before dropping my towel on the floor and going over to my closet. I pick out my favourite pair of panties and a large t-shirt. I slip both iteams on before going to my bed and plugging in my phone. I get up and turn my light off before sunggling up under my blankets and trying to sleep. 

'Fuck... my paper is due tomorrow. All well.'


Hey guys so that's the first chapter. I hope you like it! I put a picture of Luke's bathroom on the side. It's so big because he shares it with his brothers.


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