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Everyone has a secret. A horrible secret that they want no one to know. A lot of the time, that secret comes out. This is the story of Harry Potter's secret and it coming into the open.

Harry walked down the hall towards Umbridge's office, smiling. Finally, he would get to see her again. She was beautiful, but in an odd way, with her stubby fingers and toad-like face. She smelled good and Harry was sure that underneath her rotten personality, there was something capable of loving.

He sighed dreamily, earning him an odd look from a passing first year. He got to her door and made sure his expression was blank before knocking.

"Come in," a voice called.

Harry couldn't stop the excitement bubbling up in his stomach.

He pushed open the door and walked in. "Sit," she told him.

He sat down at one of the desks. "Good," Umbridge said, a sickly sweet smile on her face.

She handed Harry the blood quill and he started his lines.

I must not tell lies. I must not tell lies. I must not tell lies.

Every few lines he glanced up at her.

I must not tell lies. I must not tell lies.


"What Potter?"

I must not tell lies.


Umbridge looked shocked. Slowly, a small smile formed on her face,"What was that, dear?"

Harry took a deep breath,"I think I like you, Professor."

Umbridge stood up from her desk and walked over, leaning in close,"Do you now?"

Harry turned a deep shade of red and stuttered"I.. n-no sorry-"

He was cut off by a pair of lips on his. He smiled into the kiss, the feel of her body and his pressed together.

After what seemed like forever, they broke apart, gasping for air. Umbridge righted herself before sitting back down at her desk,"Back to work, Potter."

He couldn't keep that stupid grin off his face for the rest of detention.

A/N: Dedicated to ReadFeelDream (InkAndMagic) aka Katy, my good friend. Hope you enjoyed! Cover made by A_Waiting , check out their graphic shop if you want one!

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