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They had forced me to go that day. I had whined the entire car trip to church. We never were religious so why were we going in the first place? Because our neighbors thought that their precious children would be influenced by my behavior. That my parents had a curse of a son, because I "saw things I shouldn't have seen." Even as we sat at one of the pews I still whined. It wasn't fair. I didn't ask to be the way I am. I didn't deserve it. Then he tapped me on the shoulder. Cesar. God, I don't know whether you were my greatest blessing or my biggest regret. It's your fault I'm in this situation.

"Mark! Come out I have a surprise!!"

Wow, this is really how I'm going to die. Locked in my shitty room, alone, this is really it for me. God when people think back to me what will they think? Mark Heathcliff, a nobody, loner with a single friend, who latches on to anyone he can because he's scared to be completely alone. Yet here I am. What will my parents think when they come home and find their only son dead, with no idea how it happened. Hell I don't even know. All I wanted to do was be a good friend. Now I'm paying for my good deed with death. Why would you do this to me Cesar? Why won't you answer me? I don't want to die, Cesar.

I thought we were friends?


I hear my phone ringing. Finally! Maybe it was the police finally getting back to me! I answer quickly. This might be my only chance of life.

"Hello!?" I yell into the phone frantically.

"Mark!? What in god's name is going on! You left thousands of voicemails!! What do you mean it followed you home. What the hell are you talking about!!" I hear Cesar yelling on the other side of the phone. His voice sounds strained like he'd been crying.

"What the fuck are YOU talking about. You bastard! You wanted it to follow me didn't you!? Cesar, I thought we were friends! I thought you cared about me!" I begin to sob. "Why did you do this to me?"

"What are you talking about? I didn't do a thing. I haven't spoken to you in days! What could I have done?" He lowers his voice at the end sounding stressed.

"Bullshit! You called! You dragged me to your house to turn on those damn cameras. Whatever the fuck was in there followed me home. You wanted it too didn't you? You want it to kill me? If you wanted me gone you should've said so. Not get some DEMON or some shit to kill me!"

"I didn't call you!"

"Liar! It was your voice! Who the fuck else could've called me."

"Mark! Listen to me! I didn't call you, I swear to god."

He wasn't lying. Cesar's family's religious beliefs had always had a big effect on him. He was telling the truth. That's when the realization hit me. It was one of those things the television was warning us about.

"Cesar- I think it could've been one of those things! The ones the TV broadcast told us about!! It lured me into its trap. To try to kill me! Fuck I really am cursed aren't I?"

There's a loud banging at my bedroom door. "MARK! OPEN THE DOOR!" I let out a scream.

"Mark! I'm on my way, stay on the phone!"

"No! It'll kill you Cesar no!"

"I'm not losing you! I don't care!" I hear him rushing and his car starting.

I feel panic wash over me. What if it kills him?

I hear my mothers voice from the other side of the door. "Mark, why are you like this. Open the door. All we are trying to do is help. Open the door." The voice gets distorted at the end. It's mimicking my mother. "I wish I never had you."

The End Of The World, But At Least I Have You||Mark Heathcliff X Cesar TorresWhere stories live. Discover now