"What If I Refuse?"

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Do you want a random and really unrealistic chapter?


Oh well, you're going to get one anyways.

Fourth day into rehearsals is where stuff happens. Bad stuff. Well, bad depending on who you are really. Bad if you're Simon. Good if you're the boys.

Let's explain what happened.

The day started normally, the boys woke early, had breakfast, you know the normal morning stuff.

They were given the first half of the day to themselves but had to be at the arena for 4pm to rehearse. Again.

Together they decided to go out to a quieter part of the town in hopes of not getting noticed.

But of course that isn't what happened.

As they were walking down a small street with a few shops on they hear a voice say "Holy fucking shit".

Now bare in mind no one else is around and Harry and Louis are walking hand in hand down the pavement.

All five boys stop where they are and at the same time turn around to face where the voice came from.

If you saw this play out from across the road you'd assume it's some sort of movie.

There was a teen, round about 16, standing outside a small café just standing there with a shocked expression but still a small smile graced her face.

Harry nor louis made the effort to loosen their hands, there wasn't any point really seen as they'd been caught.

"hi?" louis said awkwardly. What do you even say in this situation?

"oh right. Hi, sorry for staring and shouting that out, it's not everyday that your favourite band just walks past your cafe and well...you know" the girl rambles and points to the boys joined hands.

Harry looks like a deer trapped in headlights.

"not that there's anything wrong with that, no not at all, 'm just shocked is all. I actually believed you two were in a relationship anyways..okay I'm just gonna shut up now, I'm embarrassing myself." the girl rambles again but shuts up.

Louis gives a light chuckle to break the tension.

" it's alright love no worries. What's your name? " he asks her.

"abigail. or just abbie. " she responds.

"hi abbie, it's nice to meet you. How about we go inside and talk a bit yeah?" louis suggested.

The girl just nods but is thinking 'oh shit'. I mean who wouldn't. You've just saw one direction walk down the streets and two of them are holding hands. You're not meant to see that.

They all file into the cafe and go to a booth. Harry sits by Louis obviously and the other three squeeze onto the opposite side. Abbie brings a chair and sits on the end of the table.

"well then..obviously you weren't meant to see what you did. The holding hands to be specific and we beg you not to tell anyone." louis pleads.

"of course not, that'd be shitty of me."

"thank you, honestly. If Simon were to find out, he'd quite literally kill us." Harry thanks her.

She gives a sympathetic smile before shock fills her face,

"I'm not going to have to sign a nda am I?" she worries.

"normally, yes, but as only us five know that you saw then it shouldn't be necessary." louis assures her.

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