Your Safe.

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Liam paced around the waiting room, his converse slapping on the cold floor. "Liam, calm the fuck down! Take a seat." Harry said, rolling his eyes. Calm down? How the fuck could he calm down, Bree was in that hospital room dying! He took a deep breath before sitting next to Niall. He sat his elbows on his knee's and put his head down. It was all his fault. He should have been there for her, he should have "Are you alright, mate?" Zayn asked, before he could answer the doctor came forward.

"You here for Bree..." He trailed off, they hadn't given them her last name. Hell they didn't even know her last name. "Payne. Bree Payne, she's my.. erm wife." Liam mumbled, earning looks from the boys. What? He wasn't going to tell them she was his sister! Have a crush on your sister would be- wait, hold the fucking phone! A crush? He had a crush on Bree? Yeah she was smart and beautiful, the face she made when she was thinking hard was adorable, and the way she- NO! Stop it, this is no time to be thinking like that! The doctor raised an eyebrow at him, then looked at his clipboard. "Alright, she's in room 223. Only one can stay, I don't want her to get over whelmed she's-" Before the man could finish, Liam started running to the room.

219, 220, 221, 222, 223! He turned into the room and saw Bree. She looked so weak and broken, she was breathing slowly and her eyes were shut. She was asleep. He pulled a chair up to the bed and took her small hand in his, lacing their fingers. "Bree...Why- why don't you want to stay with me?" He whispered, he couldn't hold his tongue, he had to tell her.

"Why don't you want to be here? Why do you want to leave? I know you have had a horrible past even if you wont tell me what happened. I just, I don't understand why you don't want to be alive!" He laid his forehead on the edge of the bed, he let out a long- shaky breath. "I don't understand, but I need you Bree. I have to have you in my life. I know we just met.. and I sound like a stalker, but I need you."  He closed his eyes, he felt a hand lightly touch his face and looked up to see the beautiful blue eyes he had fallen for.

"Liam..." She whispered as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a small hug. She could tell he was trying not to hurt her. He pulled away and once again took her hand, his large fingers entwined with her. "Did you mean it..?" She asked, and looked at the sheet that was covering her, it had suddenly became very interesting.

He was confused at first, but soon realized what she had meant. He lightly took her chin and made her look at him, their nose' almost touching. "Yes. Every single word." He said, leaning closer to her. Their lips where inches apart, she closed her eyes and- "Were heading back to the hotel, so are you going to-" Niall walked in, he looked at them before turning red as a tomato. "I- uh. Erm, sorry it's just.. we are leaving, are you staying here?" He mumbled, looking at the floor.

"Yeah, I'll come back tomorrow." Liam said, sitting back in the small chair. Niall nodded and gave Bree a hug before leaving. "Wanna watch TV?" Liam asked her, earning a nod. He picked up the remote and flipped threw the channels. He stopped on Bad girls club. He looked at Bree, she gave him a what the fuck is wrong with you, look and he began flipping. Once it landed on Full House, Bree told him to stop. "I love this show."

So he sat the remote down, Bree was giggling at the show. Liam couldn't help but grin like an idiot, her laugh was so cute. She caught him staring at her and quickly looked away, blushing. He only smiled and turned back to the TV. After several episodes she was asleep, Liam pulled to thin blanket over her, tucking her in. He just looked at her, taking in her features. Stop staring you creeper! He looked away and sat in the chair, might as well get comfortable. He thought, not that he was complaining he could not be with her at all. He closed his eyes and was soon taken over by a deep sleep.


A/N* Okay, I did this chapter twice because I accidentally deleted the first one. So erm... Vote? Read? I honestly don't care! Hope you enjoy!

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