Your alright.

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"Excuse me." The nurse said, squeezing past Liam. "Alright dear, I'm going to take your IV out and then we are going to take some blood." She said, as she began pulling the needles out of Bree's arm. Liam glanced at Bree who had her eyes closed tightly and she was biting her lip. Once it was out the nurse left the room to get the stuff to draw blood.

Bree looked at her hands, which where shaking slightly. Liam walked over taking them, "What wrong, love?" She looked up, Blue eyes meeting brown. "N-nothing. I just.. I hate needles." She mumbled, and he chuckled. "Your scared of needles?" Yet you slit your own wrists, he didn't say that of course. She nodded and pulled her hands away.

"You should go back to the hotel, I'm sure you have a signing or something.." He shook his head and sat on the edge of the bed. "Nope. Nothing, we're leaving Wednesday." She looked up at him, she was about to speak when the nurse came in with a needle and a small tube. "Oh God." Bree whispered.

The nurse gave her a re-assuring smile as she began hooking things together. "It's real quick, dear." She said. Bree closed her eyes tight, and Liam took her hand. The nursed put the needle in and Bree had a death grip on Liam. After a few seconds it was over and the nurse was going. Bree laid in the bed and closed her eyes, she hated being here. Not the hospital, being alive. All she wanted was to see her mum again. There was nothing here for her anymore, her eyes traveled to Liam who was already looking at her, well.. maybe one thing.

Two hours later...

The nurse returned and told them Bree could leave the hospital. Liam walked out to let her get dressed, he came back with a paper telling him to pick up her depression pills and to change her bandages. She slid into a pair of sweatpants and a grey t-shirt, her feet were covered by Uggs that Louis had brought her, they were his girlfriends but she didn't mind. "Do you have a hoodie?" Liam ask, she shook her head. "No, but I have the jacket Zayn bought me." She said.

"You cant wear that, it's to heavy and it might rip your stitches." He pulled off his American Eagle hoodie "Arms up." He told her, she did as he said. He carefully put the hoodie over head, and pulled it down. "There ya go." He said, brushing some hair from her face. She picked up her bag, which he immediately took from her, slinging it over his shoulder.

They did a double check, making sure they had everything before they left the room.  Liam went and checked her out. Once that was taken care if he took Bree's hand, lacing their fingers together and walking out the automatic doors. Screams erupted from everywhere, there were girls everywhere. Holding signs, and t-shirts in the air. Some policemen where holding them back, Liam just squeezed her hand tighter as they made their way to the taxi. Liam pulled open the door, allowing her to get in first then climbing in after her.

"I'm so sorry! I had no idea they would be out there-" Liam began, but Bree cut him off. "It's not your fault. I'm fine, they really didn't do anything." She shrugged. She suddenly felt very sleepy, she leaned on his shoulder, and his arm went around her. "Sing to me." She whispered. She fell asleep, to him singing Little things, to her.

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