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sorry for how short it is :( wanted to give yall more content b4 my crazy week starts- (rip me) buuut it has some info that is important sooo ENJOYYYY

Nini's pov

It's day four of being here. It's going...well. According to Ashlyn, deliveries are supposed to arrive today! I'm super excited to get started! I think a lot is gonna be coming...I've told her a lot of things lately...and she's ordered them all already. But this is good because I can begin to transform this place!

I'm currently sitting in my house, typing on my laptop. I was replying to e-mails and looking over orders. I hear a faint knock on my door, and I get out of my chair, walking to the door. I open it, revealing Eric.

"Hi Eric!", I greet.

"Hello Miss Roberts. I came to inform you that your deliveries have arrived.", he smiles.

I clap my hands together, "Perfect! Can I come up there now?"

He nods, "Sure thing. Would you like a ride?"

"Sure! Just gimme a second.", I say, closing the door and rushing around.

I put my coat on, along with my boots. I shut my laptop and stick it in my bag. I grab my phone and house key before walking back out the door. I quickly lock the door before throwing it into my bag and getting into the limo.

After a couple minutes, the car stops in front of the entrance. We both get out and walk inside. I see men carrying boxes up the stairs and into the ballroom. I could feel my excitement rising by the second. I follow them up the stairs and walk into the ballroom, which now has a ton of boxes spread across the floor.

I move out of the doorway as more people come inside, boxes in hand.

"Where would you like these?", a man asks, holding a box.

"What are they?', I question, peeking into the box.

"Christmas tree ornaments. There's a total of ten boxes of these.", I'm informed.

"Okay. I need five up here and five downstairs.", I order, "I also need one of the Christmas trees up here."

He nods and continues with setting the box down and walking back down the stairs to grab more. I let out a content breath as I move out of the ballroom to let them place the boxes inside. Just as I turn the corner to walk out, I bump into somebody.

I pick my things up, tilting my head upwards and meeting his gaze.

I chuckle, "We just always bump into each other, don't we? Quite literally."

He gives me an expressionless face before walking past me. I sigh and open my planner.

"Don't worry about him.", I hear a voice.

I look up and see Kourtney.

"Hey!", I smile.

Me and Kourtney have become good friends in the past two days. She's extremely nice and loving! I'm glad we've become friends because I need some people over here.

"How's everything going? Do you need anything?", she asks.

I shake my head, "Nope! I'm all good. Super excited!"

She squeals, "Me tooooo! I can't wait for Christmas!"

I chuckle as I mark some things down in my planner and peek my head back into the ballroom. As I'm writing and Kourtney is watching the people move boxes in, my phone buzzes. I take it from my pocket and check the notification. I let out a groan, one loud enough for Kourtney to hear.

"Everything good?", she asks, frowning.

I sigh, "Yes- sorta- kinda- I mean-"

"Girl what happened?", she chuckles.

"My boyfriend is being...a real pain in the you know what...", I chuckle.

"Y-you have a...boyfriend?", she says, her eyes widening.

"Uh- yeah- is that...okay?", I stifle a laugh.

"Yeah, yeah...uh- who is he?", she asks.

"Jamison...he's kinda...not happy I'm over here right now and he's just- you know it's okay, I won't burden you with problems.", I awkwardly laugh it off, shoving my phone back into my pocket.

"Are you busy right now with this planning stuff?", she asks, out of the blue.

I shrug, "Not at the moment. I'll wait for them to finish putting the boxes in the room before I start anything."

"Follow me.", she says, gripping my wrist and dragging me somewhere.

Next thing I know, we're sitting on a bench, outside in the cold.

"Where are we?", I ask, looking around.

"This is the garden...beautiful, isn't it?", she says, smiling.

"It sure is...very peaceful. Why'd you bring me here?", I ask.

"I wanna know everything about this boyfriend of yours!", she smiles, "I mean- only if your okay with it..."

I stay quiet for a moment deciding. I have only just met her...but I feel like I've known her my entire life. And, I've always found it isn't good to bottle my feelings up. And...I think I can trust her.

I nod my head, "Okay fine..."

She smiles and claps her hands together, as she focuses on me.

"So, uh- I've been dating him for about two years...he's a lifeguard...he likes to surf too.", I start.

"He seems really nice...and hot", she whispers, causing for me to chuckle.

I sigh, "Yeah...I mean don't get me wrong he is extremely amazing...just sometimes he-"

"He what?", she says, noticing my tenseness.

"He's just...kinda controlling, I guess. He gets mad easily and takes it out on me sometimes...", I speak, instantly regretting letting that one slip out.

She gasps, "Like...physically?"

I feel my eyes sting and a lump form in my throat. I gulp and shrug, slowly nodding my head.

"Nini! I've only known you for about two days but sweetheart you gotta leave this maniac!", she says.

I rub my arm up and down, feeling nervous, "I- it's not that bad...I promise."

She sighs, "If you say so...but to me if you need anything, okay?"

I smile and nod, "Thanks. I should uh- I should get back to the planning."

She nods and we both make our way back inside. As we enter, the rest of Kourtney's friends were waiting by the ballroom. Kourtney smiles at me before all of them walk away. I take a deep breath and walk into the ballroom. I grab a pair of scissors and begin cutting open boxes.

"Okay...these are tablecloths...", I talk to myself, "This needs to go here-"

I'm looking around for the wreaths, when I look up and notice a head of curls standing around the corner, slightly smiling. 

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