Chapter : 1 : Your Comfort ( part-1 )

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It was an exhausting week for Mammon. His brothers were being a bit harsh than usual, always seeming to lash out on him even though he didn't do anything. Mc was the only one who backed him up and Mammon appreciated their help greatly.

Honestly, he can't seem to get a break from his brothers, but he can't blame them. They were probably stressed and Mammon was always the root of their problems, despite not doing anything related to their problems.

A sigh escaped Mammon's lips as he arrived back home. It was already late and he back from another fight in the casino. The moment he entered through the front door, he immediately saw Lucifer with his usual frown, you know, the usual downward curve of his lips and furrowed eyebrows.

"Where exactly have you been, Mammon?" The eldest of the demon brothers asked, his arms crossed in front of his chest.

'Great.' Mammon thought, slightly grimacing before putting up a nervous smile towards Lucifer. "Oh, ya know...Business! Hahaha.." He nervously says as he scratched the back of his head.

"Exactly what 'Business'? Are you perhaps speaking about the Casino's and the errands those witches get you to do?" Lucifer sternly says with narrowed eyes towards Mammon.

Honestly, can't just Lucifer leave him alone? He already seems to know, so why bother ask him questions he already know answers to?

With a clenched fist behind him, he sighs out slightly annoyed. "Yeah, exactly that. I don't see why it's a big deal." Mammon says, irritation coating his words.

"Why it's such a big deal, you say?" Lucifer questions angrily. "If you haven't realized, I had to stay up to make sure you came home! Make sure you weren't causing problems that I have to take responsibility for!" He shouts angrily.

Now that irked Mammon. "Well, I didn't ASK ya to do that! I could handle it myself, I don't need ya to look after me!" Mammon retorts back, shouting back angrily.

"And let you pile more work for Lord Diavolo?!" Ah. There it is. The 'Lord Diavolo' matters more than your own brothers card.

Don't get him wrong, Mammon loves Diavolo, but with Lucifer—he just never seemed to be concerned about Mammon's well-being, but instead what would happen to Diavolo.

Heck, he could be dying and Lucifer would apologize to Diavolo for Mammon's carelessness. Not bothering to ask if he was okay. Damn, does Lucifer care about any of his brothers? Or is it just him?

Mammon would never do anything that could taint Diavolo's image, he's made sure of it. Despite the greed that's burning inside Mammon, he knew certain actions could harm Diavolo and he would hate it if he even inconvenienced the demon prince.

"I know what I'm doing, Lucifer! I made sure that my problems wouldn't involve ya or Lord Diavolo!" Mammon retorts loudly, his eyebrows twitching in frustration.

By this time, the other residents of House of Lamentation have woken up and started checking out what the noise was.

Leviathan was the first one arriving at the scene, tired eyes scanning the room. Once seeing an angry Lucifer and a disheveled Mammon, he knew what was happening.

"What's going on? Did Mammon do something stupid again?" He questions, a little yawn escaping his lips.

"Hm? What's happening? Mammon doing something dumb again?" Asmodeus questions, arriving from the other hallway, a small yawn escaping his lips.

"Are you blind to your own actions?" Lucifer questions, ignoring the two brothers that just arrived. "Do you not see that your greed is affecting Devildom? Do you know how disgraceful it is when one of the Seven Avatars of Hell is running around causing ruckus in every casino?!" Lucifer informs angrily.

"Fights have been reported and do you know who always starts them? You, Mammon!" Lucifer yells angrily.

"I had to! Those punks were harassing some of the demons there!" Mammon tries to explain, but Lucifer wasn't having any of it.

"By throwing the first punch?" Lucifer angrily retorts. "Is that how you solve problems? Starting fights to assert some form of dominance?"

By now, the others have started to arrive. Satan appeared with MC and an annoyed look was clear on his features, MC however, was looking over Mammon's form, concern filling them as they see the exhausted form Mammon was trying to hide.

"What did that scumbag do now?" A tired Belphegor questioned, clutching onto his pillow. A tired Beelzebub trailing behind him.

"Turns out Mammon caused a fight in a casino." Leviathan informs with a huff.

"Does he not have anything better to do than cause trouble in casinos?" Satan sighs.

"We should at least listen to what Mammon says, we could be missing parts of the story and just assuming things." MC spoke up, not liking the brothers just assuming the worst for Mammon.

"What's there for him to say? That idiot probably was blinded by his greed as always." Asmo responded.

MC didn't like how the brothers weren't trying to listen or defend Mammon. They're always berating and expecting the worse of him, waiting to see him mess up and make fun of the 2nd eldest.

It was like their respect for him just vanished into thin air, in fact, MC never seen any of them look at Mammon with respect. Other than Beelzebub, but nonetheless the Avatar of Gluttony never made any move to stand up for Mammon.

Mammon has always done his best, he was such a sweetheart and just a great guy.

They even remember how the white haired male would tell MC stories from the Celestial Realm, of his younger brother's childhood stories.

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