Part 5

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Hey guys so before I continue, I would like to tell you guys that you all can call me Lia. It's not my real name but I am comfortable when people call me by this name so yeah but calling me author - San is no big deal lol. Just wanted to tell you guys. Now enough talking and more into the story

Jin, Lucas and me reached our class and we both went to our seats. I saw lucas waving at Xavier, They must have been friends then huh? Doesnt matters to me anyways. I gave a sigh and sat beside Jin. I looked at jin and saw her grinning....

"Man, You sure are lucky to have two boys fighting over you." Jin teases

"Ugh i dont know why they are like this...

But i dont think lucas likes me though..but surely i can tell ijekeil likes me."

"Yah!! Your so dumb! How could you not realize lucas feelings for you!" Jin exclaimed

"Ah..Jin calm down...We are just friends. He just likes teasing me, thats all. Now end of this topic."

Jin pouts and ends our conversation saying "You will realize it soon.."

-Time skip cause i am lazy

All classes were finished and all four of us (Lucas, Xavier, Jin and Athanasia) were now talking on the road. Jin and me were talking with each other and I suddenly got an idea.

"Ne ne Jin, Why dont you come stay over my house today? It would be so fun!!!" I said with wide happy eyes and

"Oh yeah!! Thats a good idea athy! I will definetly accept your offer" Jin says giggling

"You can change clothes in my house only and i have a perfect extra room for you to sleep too! Oh! and we can bath in our house pool! Its really hugee" I said excited

"Woah you rich or something?" Jin asks

"Well...i mean, I cant deny it. My dad is super rich from his buisness and my mom does buisness too so yeah" I giggled

"Remind me of Xavi" Jin said with a smile glancing at xavier

"Hm?" Lucas and Xavier looks at us and hums

"Xavi you know athy also has buisness parents" Jin says with a calm smile

"Oh yeah i have heard about your parents. They are Claude obelia and Diana obelia, right?" Xavier aks me

"Yeah, How do you know?" I ask xavier curiously tiliting my head

"Well they sure are popular, they are a hot topic considering their looks , power and their buisness."

"Oh? People think that old man is handsome? They must be blind. Sure athy's mother is beautiful like he- ahem but that man is not even a little good looking. tsk" Lucas says

"Hey!! Thats rude y'know!! He is my dad your talking about." I said pouting

"Yeah yeah" Lucas sticks out his tongue and just continues walking in killua's style

"Hmpf!" I hmph and continued walking too


Xavier parted his way and Jin followed me as she was staying in my house. We had now reached my house. As expected i heard Jin gasping

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttt Lucas is your neighbourrrr??????????" Jin asks shocked

"Umm...Yeah....But please dont tell anyone in school" I said

"sigh...Alright though i dont get whats wrong with students knowing it.. Anyways bye lucas!" Jin says with a smile waving at him but of course lucas didnt waved back which jin didnt found offending cause she knows these types of behaviour

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