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It's the year 2050 now. The world has changed so much since the arise of the so called inhumans. It was 10 years ago more exact at the end of the year 2040.

Peoples were celebrating the end of the year at the city hall at london when suddenly a massacre happen by something unexpected. A man who has a fire sword on his hands suddenly starts attacking the civilian there. Killing countless of innocent lives. It took a full base of an army to finally put him down, but the damage is already been done.

The tragedy become a world tranding and that was the first case of the Inhumans. A special type of human, that somehow evolve into a new race that can use abilities. After that day, more and more Inhumans came to the surface, with more unimaginable ability, from the elementals one, to the one where they can directly effect the victims body. No one what cause it, but they have the same thought. A walking disaster is in the making.

Over the years peoples starts to live in fear. They can't live like they normally do and always in fear of being attack by the Inhumans. Even though the population of the inhumans not more than 10% of the human population and only 1% of them that are the bad one, but still it manage to makes the worlds turn into chaos.

It was until 3 years ago when suddenly the lights of hope started to shine for the humans population. Secretly under the public knowledge, the world leaders are developing a weapon to kill the Inhumans easily. With that in their hands, humans finally can fight back and turns their life back into the normal one.

Soon enough the Inhumans finally manage to be controlled for the first time after their appearance. The Inhumans then got secluded by the humans but their lifes still maintained by the world. Until one day they suddenly have the idea to do some experience to find the source of the power of the Inhumans.

And thus starts the hell life for the Inhumans. Almost every one of the Inhumans were brought to the facility the World's made specifically made to research of the Inhumans. They took the Inhumans from all ages, from young to old to the laboratory.

No one knows where exactly the laboratory are. The one who knows are the world's leader and the workers there, who already told not to tell anyone about it, or else they'll be erased. The public only knows that there are only a few laboratories in the world and the main laboratorium is located in Seoul South Korea.

Inside the laboratory are the scientists, some soldiers, and of course the Inhumans who treated very badly. The place is so gloomy, the Inhumans were put together behind the bar like a prisoner. They wore some device that were made to hopefully weakened their power so they can't rebel.

They're basically treated nothing more than an object now. No one cares of their suffering except for themselves. Countless of them have died and yet the studies still continued.

"I'm scared I'm scared please somebody stop those screams. Please I don't want to hear it anymore" a kid is having a very hard time because of the agony screams coming from every direction around him. He tries to cover his ears with his hands so that he can't hear the screams but it fail.

"Hey hey Y/N. Calm down, Y/N control your emotions don't let your Gift leak out of control Y/N" a lady with her mother like aura hug the boy whose name is Y/N tight inside her embrace. But Y/N still struggling a lot.

"Nononono those screams please stop it"

"Y/N calm down ok. I'm here for you, you don't have to worry I'll protect you" despite trying her best to calm him down, she can feel that Y/N gradually becomes worse and that she also feels his Gift leaking out which will be dangerous if the devices picked up the signal from him.

Looking at this state Mrs.Kim decides to take the risk by activate a little bit of her Gift to make a little barrier that she proceed to wears it on Y/N ears to block the sound. Thankfully it works judging by his body slowly become more relax.


"Yes yes I'm here for you. Like I said I'll protect you right. You're save with me Y/N"

"T-thank you Mrs.Kim"

"Nah nah i told you not to call me Mrs.Kim anymore right" she told Y/N.

"N-ne Eomma"

"Good boy" Mrs.Kim pats his head "what a poor boy you're Y/N. Having to experience all of this in such a young age. I feel really bad for you" she pulls him back to her embrace and starts to rubs his back. Soothing him.

"M-Mrs.Kim I w-want to l-live. I don't want to die here" Y/N said to her while still having his little body inside her embrace.

"You'll live Y/N. I'll make sure you'll get out from this place alive. I promise you"

"Really?" Y/N asked doubting what she said. broke the hug off with him before she holds his hand.

"Yes let's do a pinky promise ok" she raises her pinky finger and shows it to Y/N while smiling.


"There we go. Now the promise sealed already. You can rest assure ok"


"Good. Now let's go to sleep Y/N. I'll sing for you. You can hug me too if you want"

"I can?"

"Of course you can Y/N. I'm your Eomma after all" she said to Y/N with that warm smile that he really needs. The both of them then proceed to lay on the floor and Y/N scoots closer to her "Y/N. I want you to always remember this ok. No matter what they did to us, you can't hate the entire human race ok" Y/N just nods his head to answer her "good boy" She said to him before she starts to hums a lullaby for him, with that voice of her Y/N gradually starts dozing off and it doesn't take long for him before he finally go to dreamland.
As I said in the announcement, I'm gonna republished this book. It'll be going through some retouch here and there to make it better than before. As for the update, it'll be slower than my other story I guess since I want to focus on that and also because I'm busy with my Thesis. For now I hope this prologue is enough as the starter.

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