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At Jude's home

"What should I reply to her? Haha. I knew it."

J: I know my name's a part of a song.

A: IKR. The Beatles. I always remember you whenever I hear it.

J: You do listen to old songs huh?

A: Really? Jude? That's your point? I said I always remember you whenever I hear it.

J: ("I wonder what she implies.") What are you implying at?

A: Implying? Your inference is different. Anyway. What you up to?

J:("Inference is different. Women. Damn. I got it!) Are you free tomorrow again after work?

A: I am. Why?

J: I'll give you something. And no it is not a membership to networking. :)

A: I'm glad. What will you give me?

J: It's a gift. You'll remember me most for it.

A: Thank you in advance. :) See you.

J: No. See you. :)

"Damn. I never felt so alive. Yet I'm so slow. Never read between the lines. But I'm still so positive. See you Angel from my Nightmare. Goodnight."

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