Chapter 2

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Max has bullied me since I came to this school, and its because of my looks. The brown hair, then the blue eyes apparantly looks 'odd'. "So, you wanna go, or what?" I shook my head. "Max, you know I try not to fight." He smirked. "Dont get cocky, Springstien. Just because you beat me, not by much, last time, doesnt mean you're gonna do it again." I sighed, then rolled up my sleeves. Once he gets like this, I have to fight. He doesnt take "Im too tired" or "No, just no Max." as answers on these sort of days. His jock friends have probably been like "You can take him, Max! Hes just a scrawny nerd!"

Max got all riled up, then he took the first punch. I let him hit me, because I wanted to give him a little satisfaction, not too much though. It wasnt in the face, just the shoulder, so it didnt hurt too mcuh. Then he started laughing."You're so weak! You cant even do-" He was cut off by my fist breaking his jaw with a satisfying crunch! I hadnt noticed what Hailey had been doing, but when I looked over, I didnt see what I had expected. I expected to see her just standing there watching, but no! She was taking down the other 5 guys! They are no whre near Max's strength, but for her size, Hailey was beating the crap out of them! I smiled proudly. She hadnt used her magic! Oh wait, she didnt know about it yet.

"Good job, Hailey. Next time, maybe use a-" My head made contact with cement, and I groaned. Ill admit, it hurts, even for an immortal like me, to have your head slammed against the pavement. "Watch your opponent, Shpringshtien!" His broken jaw made his speech very lispy. "Max, stop! Just leave Jack alone!" He spun towards Hailey. "What doesh it matter to you, Hailey? Hesh jusht a little nerd! You're big and popular!" I stood up, and I punched him in the face again. He screamed in pain. Teachers came flooding out. "Here comes ao coem with nother suspension, yippee!" "Watch who you want to fight, Max."

I sat, in the principals office, and I waited until he was done "defending"  himself, then I simply stated "He attacked me first." Then I stood up and strided out, smirking as the principal screamed "Get back here, Springstien! Your parents will be hearing about this!" I turned around, now walking backwards, and said "You dont even have her contact, you twit!" As he spluttered, adn dug through files, I waved goodbye to the secretary, and I met up with Hailey again.

"Are you ready to accept your fate yet, young Hailey?" She jumped, apparently she didnt hear my greeting! Oh, wait, did I actually say hello first? SHe shook her head."Its just really difficult to believe, Jack. Im sorry, but you obviously have th-" I covered her mouth. "I dont have the wrong personn you dumbnut. I know for a 100% positve fact that you're the girl that I need to teach. Now, come come! We have many Goodbye emails to write!" She stopped, and I let go of her arm. "No! Jack, I am not going. I have family and a life here!" "You will get to see them again you twit! But for now, you need to come with me." SHe shook her head, and with a heavy sigh, I felt my canines grow. As a shifter, my teeth can change to look like a vampires. But I am never going to change into one. You actually need to drink blood to survive. As my teeth grew their points, I smiled and said "I will bite you if you dont go." And with that, we cleared her locker, and we left the school.

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