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Jisoo Onyx Kim- 20 years old - 1

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Jisoo Onyx Kim
- 20 years old
- 1.80 m
- 3rd year, Business Management
- heir of Gemstone Empire

80 m- 3rd year, Business Management - heir of Gemstone Empire

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Roseanne Lily Park
- 19 years old
- 1.68 m
- 3rd year, Business Management
- heiress of JPark Entertainment

68 m- 3rd year, Business Management - heiress of JPark Entertainment

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Rhianna Jennie Kim
- 20 years old
- 1.63 m
- 3rd year, Fine Arts
- Basketball Fanatic

63 m- 3rd year, Fine Arts- Basketball Fanatic

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Liam Sander Manoban
- 19 years old
- 1.87 m
- 3rd year, Business Ad
- GSA Basketball (Power Forward)

87 m- 3rd year, Business Ad- GSA Basketball (Power Forward)

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Wendy McLaren Son
- 22 years old
- 1.77 m
- 4th year, Mechanical Engineering
- heir of JSon Cars

77 m- 4th year, Mechanical Engineering - heir of JSon Cars

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Seth Ulysses Gian Kang (Seulgi)
- 23 years old
- 1.79 m
- 3rd year, Business Ad
- GSA Basketball (Shooting Guard)

79 m- 3rd year, Business Ad- GSA Basketball (Shooting Guard)

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Irene Amethyst Bae
- 23 years old
- 1.62 m
- 4th year, Tourism
- GSA Student Council- President
- heiress of AirBae Airlines

⚠️Photos used are not mine,credits to the rightful owner⚠️

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