Chapter 5

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"WAIT WHAT?!", Kay and Alisa exclaim loudly in both shock and surprise. Naomi looked down, blushing. Kay said, "You're serious." Naomi nodded. Alisa said, "I can't believe that our tomboy's in love." Naomi retorted back, "I can't believe that Takashi didn't get restraining order on you, by now." Alisa said, "Touché." And drank her coke.

Random spot in Los Angeles

Klara was sitting on a bench, when someone sat down beside her. She looked over at the person. It was Sergei. Sergei looked out at the ocean and said, "So the hunt was unsuccessful." Klara told him, "I don't know what you mean." Sergei said, "Thr assassination attempt on Kennedy's niece." Klara said, "Such an event never happened." Sergei whispered, "Of course it did. The carnival that you were at. I organized the whole thing after I told your father that there was nothing left to find out." Klara was filled with anger and she didn't know why. She clenched her fist and punched Sergei hard enough, that she broke his nose. Sergei yelled in pain, and Klara dragged him over to the ocean and put her Tokarov to his head, yelling, "Я ДОЛЖЕН УБИТЬ ТЕБЯ, БЕЗМОЗГЛЫЙ ИМБЕЦИЛ! (I SHOULD KILL YOU, YOU BRAINLESS IMBECILE!)"

Sergei said, "Товарищ, не говори мне, что ты поддаешься капиталистам. Что бы сказал твой отец? (Comrade, don't tell me you give in to capitalists. What would your father say?)" Klara told him, "Ничто по сравнению с тем, когда Хрущёв узнает, что вы чуть не устроили международный скандал! (Nothing compared to when Khruschev learns that you nearly caused an international scandal!)" Klara stormed off and went to pack.

Time- Skip- One Month Later

Grand Ballroom, Catherine Palace– St. Petersburg, United Soviet Socialists Republic 9:36 pm

Naomi and Kennedy had arrived at the Neva Enfilade in St. Petersburg. This was a series of three halls linked together to create a giant room. And given how many people were invited, it seemed fitting for the Soviets to host the dance there. It would be a display of wealth and power of the USSR, letting them know who was in charge. Yugoslavia sent a telegram saying that unforseen circumstances prohibited them from hosting the event, and the Soviets snatched up the offer to be hosts, only they changed it up. Instead of it being just a dance, they decided to make it a dinner party as well, and allowed each guest a plus two. So, Kennedy's wife, Jackie, came along. They were led inside were immediately astonished with the grand ballroom.

 They were led inside were immediately astonished with the grand ballroom

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Khruschev saw them and walked over. He said, "Mr. President. A pleasure." Kennedy said, "Mr. General secretary. The pleasures all ours." The two of them shook hands and Khruschev said, "Please come with me, the three of you are sitting with me at my personal table." Kennedy smiled and nodded before telling him, "That is generous of you." Khruschev led them to his table and said, "Well tonight is about improving relations, between nations. We might as well take advantage of it." Kennedy told him, "I couldn't agree more." They heard the Soviet Anthem being played by a violin and looked over.

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