Manu 101

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Last sem, we had a talk about peers and personality development. We had the most awesome guest speaker, his name is Manu. He's very cool (when i say cool, i mean like he can jive with us, mostly teenagers, tho he's 30 years old) and he's kind of poetic type of person that everything he said, i wrote it down to collect his thoughts. Here are some:

"Girls are never weak. Because you can ruin a guy's life."

The story behind that phrase is that, he had a fiancé back then. And a month before their wedding, his fiancé broke up with him because of i-dont-know reason. Im not nosy, lol he never told us why tho we tried to ask. I guess the reason was very private. Then after that, he tried to communicate and tried to reconcile with his ex-fiancé because they've been together for 5 years and he just cant accept that it ended just like that.

He said that his fiancé's reasons and excuses were just "plain bullshit".

He locked himself in his room for two straight weeks drowning in alcohols and depression. Its like, he was dead that time because there's no point of living.(he was almost crying when he was telling us this lol)

Then after he realized that what's gone is gone and try to focus on the present, he put his life back together and start facing the world again without the person whom he spends half a decade making future plans for their future lives, but all was put in the trash because *insert manu's husky and angry voice here* girls are so damn complicated.

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