college shjts.1

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im here to give you some advice when you're in college:
(idk if this will apply on other country lol because we have different education system)

1. always wear your most comfortable shoes. either black shoes or sneakers because 1/4 of your college life will consist of walking back and forth so yeah.

2. dont forget your bottle of water because of the hot damn sun. and to avoid yourself from getting dehydrated.

3. and speaking of dehydrated, alqays take care of yourself becausw qhen you get sick even if its just for a day, its like you missed half of the term because you skipped class.

4. every second counts. get ready for the sleepness nights and being coffeeholic because coffee will be your best friend during crammed paperworks and thesis and research papers.

5. if you have timw to sleep, then sleep. even if its only a 15 minute sleep, trust me, it will be a huge help for you.

6. always keep contact numbers of your professor and some of your classmates (2 or more) so you can ask them anything if your ever skip a class.

7. in college, you will learn how to spend a day without eating anything except for water. because you're gonna be a busy ass student, eating will be the last thing you would want to do.

8. so the remedy for number seven, always bring biscuits or candy or anything. if you have chocolates, thats better to keep your enerdy on full mode.

9. you wont be able to update your social medias and stuffs because its like id rather sleep than tweet, simple as that lol

10. if you think you've had a lot of friends, im telling you now, they'll leave you soon. because people come and go and just enjoy their company while theyre still there.

11. you will notice that the highwr the year of a student, the lesser the friends they have. sometime, they have none and thats normal here in college.

12. lastly, because of stress and loneliness, there's a great chance that you'll become depressed and the like, and that, will eventually pass. keep a journal foe your random thoughts as a stress reliever. it could be a diary, a notebook, here on wattpad, anywehere where you can write everything.

this was all based on my experiences lol, feel free to message me if you need anything, xoxo

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