Push & Pull 🔞 (MiSaChaeng)

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⚠️ poly smut ⚠️

Being a loner in school is something that Son Chaeyoung got used to. She's very timid, prefers giving herself more time alone especially during break times. Because of that, no one would want to approach and befriend  her. She could not even mutter a single word when she's with unfamiliar schoolmates. But she has the looks, of course. Smart, artistic, basically talented.

One afternoon, Chaeyoung was found walking in the hall with a box, around the size of a shoebox, wrapped around her right arm. She likes photography. Obviously, the box is filled with canisters that are willing to be processed in the Photography classroom; where she's heading as of the moment.

A gasp escaped from her mouth once she opened the certain classroom's door. Never in her life she'd encounter people in that classroom since no one's really interested in photography. Besides, these two girls inside are indeed popular around the campus.

Minatozaki Sana and Myoui Mina

The popular couple...

Chaeyoung would be lying if she says she never heard a single rumor about these two. Everyone's been grossed out by them especially guys who thought they will stand a chance with them because they are really beautiful... and hot.

The timid girl wanted to step back, wanted to do this film processing for some other time and leave the place immediately. But it was too late to run away.

"Hey!" A flinch at the call. Did Chaeyoung do something wrong? Perhaps she invaded their privacy? Her heart just skipped a beat, scared as she thought of many assumptions.

"M..me?" She even pointed herself with her trembling finger, earning a giggle from the other girl she assumed, named Mina.

"Come in." The one who called Chaeyoung invited her to enter but it seemed the latter couldn't process everything. Are they gonna scold her for entering earlier without knocking? "Yah! We won't bite!" Chaeyoung suddenly felt a hand pulling her inside the classroom.

Why? These two girls don't want others to interrupt them, that's for sure was in a rumor Chaeyoung once heard. And now, she's sitting beside this Sana. Both of them were across Mina.

The couple look at her with bright smiles on their faces. To be honest, it suffocates Chaeyoung. It felt like these two grabbed her for something because it was also mentioned in one of the rumors that they often bully some students. If it's money they wanted, she'll give it right away just to escape the room.

"Oh, you're going to work on your films?" Asked by Mina who's eyes were focused at the box.

"Hey calm down." Sana patted Chaeyoung's shoulder. It was so obvious that she's anxious right now. "We're here to make friends."

"Friends?" Does it mean, Sana and Mina went in this classroom on purpose? Are these two eyeing Chaeyoung at the very first? It gives her chills knowing that someone would still want to befriend her. Maybe these two girls are not really those type of girls she expected. Maybe they're kind, and friendly. "Are... you sure? Why me?" Chaeyoung would like to slap herself. Why'd she ask that stupid question?

A chuckle, "You're cute!" Chaeyoung wasn't expecting that response from Sana, even Mina agreed with the compliment. It makes her cheeks flush a pink tone. What the hell is going on with her?

"You didn't answer my question." Chaeyoung wanted it straightforward.

Sana and Mina looked at each other before speaking in unison. "We did!"


"Because you're cute."

Chaeyoung felt something in her heart as she stares at a piece of paper torn from Sana's notepad with both of their numbers written on it. The couple already left the room, leaving Chaeyoung so dumbfounded. A deep sigh escaped her mouth. What is she supposed to do with these? She can't throw these away since the two girls want to be friends with her. It will be a waste if she's gonna ignore it. Why don't she try?

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