Chapter 18: things that would even make Zeus shit his pants out of fear

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"You really think they can come back?"
"I am positive."
"Well, how are you so sure? You never have experienced something like this did you?"
"Just try it! You never know if it can reappear."

A conversation that went as follows was heard in the Order army cabin. The first one belonged to a female and the second one to a male.

"Ari...We have been trying for the last half an hour. Can't we take a break? I am starving."

"If you say so... but I think we missed lunch sis. I guess we have to go out-"

"What are you guys up to?"
Ariston and Brooke were interrupted by the voice of Annabeth Chase.

The siblings looked at her with distaste.

"That sure doesn't concern you does it, Miss Chase?"
Asked Ariston trying to hide his anger and resentment towards the daughter of Athena.

"It sure does cause I am the leader of the camp! I know you two were talking about something you possess. Reveal it now!"
Annabeth spoke rather aggressively.

"Being quite the investigator, are we? Well, it's none of your business. Go back to your nincompoop of a boyfriend and make out with him."
Said Brooke.

Annabit.... Uh sorry, Annabeth wanted to say something but before she could Ariston's eyes changed color to blood red with a dangerous glint in his eyes. Which made Annabeth go pale.

"You really don't want to know what I am capable of. I can do things that would even make Zeus shit his pants out of fear. Off you go!"
Ariston said with a finality in his tone.

"I will find out what you are up to and will drive you out of camp."
They heard Annabeth mumble.

Ariston looked at his sister. She was just wearing a sports bra and sweat pants. He frowned at her.

"For the devil's sake, get some clothes on. It's freezing here and you don't want boys and girls to follow us do you?"

"Can't we just travel to England? I am dying for some good food."

"Though I do agree with you sis, you are too weak to teleport. You may even lose your conscience if you try it in this injured state. I suggest we can buy something in Manhattan and then try again?"

"I will change in a minute, then we can go  hunting for some good food"
Said Brooke and disappeared into the restroom with some clothes.
She came out wearing a jacket and jeans her hair in a voluminous ponytail.

(Time Skip alert )
Location: Camp Half-blood Beach.
Time: 10 p.m

"C'mon! Just maybe give it a run and try."
Said Ariston.

Brooke ran and covered a good 100 meters when she reached the edges of the water she tried to leap as if she was expecting herself to grow wings and fly. But she jumped and of course, due to gravity fell into the waters. Ariston ran to his sister and helped her reach the shore.

"Ugh! Just not happening. Does that mean I won't get them back ever?"
She asked her brother with sadness laced in her voice.

Ariston didn't reply just indicated his sister to sit down beside him.

Frustrated, Brooke sat down next to him and took off her shirt which finally revealed it. There were scars, two of them just under her shoulder blades. Ariston sadly smiled at his sister. He then rolled his shoulders and flapping was heard. Now it was clear what they were talking about. It was wings...Heavenly wings. They were black in color shone in the moonlight with a glint. Brooke didn't have any at the moment. They were cut when she was captured by Perseus.
"I promise you, sis, I will help you get them back. Plus, never thought I would say this but you don't need wings. You are a great warrior as it is. You will be fine."
Ariston said hopefully to cheer his sister up.

"Aww thanks baby bro and I know am quite awesome though it feels as if a part of myself is missing but I guess it will regrow."

Ariston smiled. He should have been angry at his twin to call him that but for once he didn't. It was great to have her back and he would avenge his sister's wings no matter what.

They returned to their dorms. It was quite late into the night when they finished catching up. Brooke kissed her brother on the cheek and headed to her dorm. Ariston lay in his bed and the sea breeze helped him fall into a dreamless sleep.

I know I haven't been true to my words. I haven't updated but believe me I have been busy with several things like in my lyf and have exams coming up as well. J can't promise you anything but hopefully I can start to update from March. Also comment and vote if you like my story and don't forget to mention if any change is needed regarding Percy's love life. Until then bye bye!
P.s - Follow meeee!!!!

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