Chapter 20: The Underworld, The Styx and a blithering idiot!

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Perseus POV

"The Banished walks the Earth again,
This time for his own gain.
A power in need,
Will be the power in deed
The goddess shall choose,
A decision that shall change the story,
To save the day or make it gory."

"So the main thing we need to focus is on the power." Stated Thalia.

"Yeah the power. But that could be anything. Like it's a power right? It could be anything... Wait more so a..."


Reyna's sentence was finished by Nico.

"That's it... A weapon. A highly powerful weapon. Something that can destroy Their Army."said Aurora.

Perseus looked hopefully at the Primordials for help but all of them appeared confused. Nyx added that some of the most powerful weapons were with him and Ariston.

Suddenly Perseus collapsed, he all of a sudden lost his balance and lost his conscience. He saw visions. Visions of something very ancient. Visions of something very very powerful. It was buried on the ground which seemed vaguely familiar. Near a river. A river where Perseus had been before. He finally gained his conscience becoming stable. He realised he was on the ground all of his friends surrounding him. Nico looked tense so did Reyna.

"What happened to you!? You just suddenly stumbled without any reason." Questioned Nico.

"I saw something... A vision...I saw it...The weapon we require. It's called the Mortis lator. It's in the banks of the river Styx."
Perseus did not know the name of the sword up until now. But when he spoke the name somehow came automatically to him. Now it finally struck him. It was Chaos who made him see the vision and recognize the sword.

"Thanks Chaos... But next time you give me a vision please give a warning. It pains terribly." Perseus grumbled to Chaos.

He could almost hear Chaos roll his eyes.

"So we will go... the five of us to retrieve the sword. I have a feeling we might have adversaries." Suggested Perseus.

He along with four others - Nico Di Angelo, Aurora, Thalia, and Reyna would travel to the Underworld to find the sword.


Underworld wasn't a place they could teleport to. They had to find their way through the gateway of the Underworld to travel there.

Finally they could see from distance, the dark blue waters of River Styx. Perseus arrived leading the group. Finally, Finally he saw it the Sword. Arguably the most powerful sword of the universe. Mortis Lator. A demonic smile lit up Perseus's face. His eyes turned red as if glowing with power and started laughing like a maniac. Reyna too laughed like a demon and kissed Perseus passionately. He growled into the kiss and started making out like crazy.

"Seriously? Get a room you two! We have to take away the sword before they arrive" Said Nico rolling his eyes.

The couple broke apart and just grinned.

"FINALLY! FINALLY! WE WILL EMERGE VICTORIOUS IN THIS WAR! OLYMPUS WILL FALL!" That Laugh would have made most people shudder. It was truly spine-chilling.

Perseus grinned he was about to take the sword but no sooner did he touch it's hilt, than an arrow flew past him and almost hit Reyna.

His eyes glowed deep red. Fury, that was what was seen in Perseus's eyes.

"WHO DARES TO HIT MY REYNA! WHO DARES!" Perseus thundered. His voice echoing through the Underworld.

"Me you fool!"

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