Preference # 2 He goes to your competitions (3 out of 5)

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I got this imagine for NiallBby and her volleyball! :)


Niall- You were really nervous because tis was the national volleyball competition and you were really nervous. You walked around the court for a second and you felt someone tap your shoulder. "Y/N, babe you will do great I know you will." Your best friend Niall said. "Ni no it won't I will mess up the play and look flipping stupid." You started to get blurry eyed. He lifted up you chin and made you look him straight in the eyes. " Look,Y/N , you will do great and you guys will win the national championships because you all are awesome." You smiled at his complient, seconds later you heard the referees whistloe telling you it's time. " Good luck babe!" Niall said rushing up to the bleachers. That night you guys scored 21 to 11 and you were the national champs. That night you had a do nothing nght where you laid in pjs annd watched movies and NIall asked you to be his princess.

Zayn- You were at a really big gymnastics meet and you were shaking because you were so nervous. You had to do the triple beam bar and you always did it perfectly but you were going crazy. Someon tapped you on the shoulder and you turned and saw your bestfirend Zayn. He sees in your eyes that you are freaking out and hugs you untill he says," Y/N you always do this routine flawlessly so don't get scared by some old people that look like they have something up their bums. Go out their and have fun." Before you could say anything back Zayn crashed his lips onto yours. He pulled away, " You don't know how long I have been waiting to do that." You smiled even bigger and replied, " Trust me Malik I have been waiting since you went through puberty." The announcer called your name. " Wish me luck." You said as you walked away to preform. When you did the routine you got a perfect 9. (A/N I don't know how you actually count the score or what ever :}) That night you went on a dinner date with Zayn to celebrate and he asked you to be his boo.

Louis- It was the last day of your national softball tourrnament and you were hinecatcher and 3rd basemen. It was a tough job and our coach thought they were good spots for you because you weere tough like that. (A/N I am a softball allstar and I am in love with Louis so yeah I kinda did this for me :D- and anybody else who does softball.) " Lou! Can you get me a Gaterade?" You asked Louis through the gate. " Sure he said going to rush to the consession stand to get you the blue drink. " Thanks." you say when he gives it to you. " Okay guys this is the last inning and I want you to hustle ad give it you hardest give me some homeruns." Your coach said in his pep talk. YOu were the last to hit and you heard the opposite players say ' Easy out.' " Come on Y/N you got this hit the ball!" YOur perfect boyfriend yelled from the stans. You got up to the plate and got into the stance. You missed the first and second ball on perpose. When the last ball came up you hit the ball as hard as you could with the bat causing a clinck sound. you dashed for first base. You heard the ref say Home Run and you trotted third and just to show off slid to home plate. THe final score was 25 to 24. As if on cue as your teammates ran out it started pouring raining. They lifted you up on thier shoulders. When they finally put you down to the ground. You ran and jumped into Louis' arms. " Love your getting me all dirty." He laughed. " Who cares its rainging and we won." You screamed. YOur team had a party to celebrate and when you and Louis got to your shared apartment things got heated and..... Lets just say you had a wild night.


Ha FInally got my charger back soo happy. Fan Comment please I really wanna see you inputs just no hate please. Sorry for the errors in here just wanted to update for you guys. Vote and comment message inbox me preferences you wanna see, and if you want a personalized imagine. Don't forget to share this book and read my other book:) 

- Love you my little linklickers ( heheheh orbit commercials are hilarious. :}


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