Silent Treatment

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Hey guys Lizzie here with a new preference, sorry I haven't posted something in a while.


Harry: Yesterday you and Harry had a fight and words were just flying out of your mouths, but it really hurt you when Harry called you a "a clingy girlfriend." Wanting to spend time with your boyfriend because he was always at the studio,interviews and tours didn't mean you are clingy.So today you had decided sense it was Harry's day off you would just give him the silent treatment, you would do your things and you wouldn't talk to Harry or do anything with him. You were currently in living room reading your, favorite book when Harry came in. "Hey babe wanna watch a movie and cuddle?" he asked you, but you just ignored him and continue reading your book on fact you didn't even looked up from your book when he was talking. "(Y/N) did you heard me?" he asked you, but you didn't answer."Ohh I see you are giving me the silent treatment well two can play that game," he said and took a sit next to you. 5 minutes passed when Harry was, begging you to talk. " C'mon kitten please talk to me I don't know what I did but it's killing me please tell me," he said. "Clingy girlfriend" was all you said. After that Harry got up and left you in the living room making his way to the kitchen. About 7 minutes later Harry came into the living room, with two plates. In both plates he had a sandwich(picture the ones he made in the 7 hour live stream yesterday) and two glasses of lemonade."You know kitten I'm really sorry I didn't mean anything I said yesterday I'm really sorry, please forgive me. I miss you please talk to me," he said.You put your book down and got up from where you were sitting on the couch, and gave Harry a kiss on the lips."You know I missed your kisses," he said. "Now how about that movie you promised me, and that food?" you asked him. "You know babe this food right here is a family recipe, that has been passed around from generation to generation.And one day I'm gonna teach our little Styles the recipe," he said passing you the food. "I'll love that," you said taking the food from him and spending some quality time with your boyfriend.

Who watched the 7 hour live stream actually 7 hours and 40 minutes almost 8?? I did I loved it, we should have 1D day every month. 😍


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