the mistake

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Few years ago

Author pov

The kaminari triplets run away from home when they were only ten years after years of abuse from their family. They had it so the oldest triple named himiko went into their parents room at night and took their money that was in a case which had one million yen so she went to her brothers room to tell them that they are running away

In the boys room

Denki and neito were sleeping in bunk beds until they hear himiko calling them to go outside to see what is happening with her
"Denki!! Neito!! Wake up before mom and dad before they notice that I took the money" she told them in a soft tone the boy nod and pack thier clothes and some snacks that they have in thier room "we are ready to go nee-san" said neito the youngest "where are we going anyway we can't go to America remember we need aunty's number so we can call them and ask for help" said denki "yeah and know that so I asked aunty to write her number down on a piece of paper so I can call her when we escape here" said himiko the boy nod and run to the window and started to climb down the robe and they put there for hard situations at home then run away from home. the triplets lived in a forest away for the city do they run and didn't stop since they where trained since they could talk and they knew different languages. They never did have a good childhood just each other the triplets were also smart of kids their age could solve college math never needed school

In the city

They arrived after running for almost two hours so they needed to find a place but they knew that noone would give children that are ten a place that they could sleep without the parents knowing of it so himiko led them to a building that wasn't being used for years. Just sitting there doing nothing neito was first to break the silence "so what now we can't just go tell the police because they will never find information about mom and dad even if they did it wouldn't make a difference when they have good lawyers and we have alot of evidence but I don't want them to see the scars I have..... Guys... I'm..I'm.....scared"he said with tears falling which shocked the two since they never seen him cry since he was five and just lost all his emotions was just numb. Himiko went to hug him joined by denki. Denki and himiko talked at the same time "we will have our justice in time so just don't tell anyone about our powers so we can stay here for now and then get a place to live and be happy" they said with a smile on their faces "hahaha.... it's okay..just a stupid mental break down nothing special.. I'm fine don't worry" said the youngest "NO IT'S WAS NOT STUPID MENTAL BREAK DOWN!!..I haven't seen you cry since mom killed the dog so don't call it stupid we are here for you remember" said denki while looking at the floor and walking away from them "I'm sorry for yelling but it's been a while since I have seen you cry it breaks my heart knowing that I couldn't help you since mom took me away from you guys....even now I'm trying to get use to its been years guys all those three years alone in a room and being forced to drink water that had poison and eat small amount of food" he said while leaning against the wall then falling to the ground looking at his siblings. Neito and himiko gave him the glare that he knows to well 'we are always here for you so don't try to hide your pain away from ours' he smiled and opened his arms asking for a hug the two went to take some pillows and blankets from the beg and hugged him. They had a good nights rest no nightmares at all

Denki pov

It's been years since the last time I have seen himiko and neito. Even now that memory was the best one out of all of them he was smiling at himself it's been a few months since he got into UA hero program and into class 1a so he made some friends that he knew they were fake just using him for his power so he had fake smiles around them. they were not the first fake friends he had in his life just a pain to deal with the bakusquad never wanted him in the first place they wanted to be nice and try to be friends 'I miss you himiko and neito my class is full of fake people and I can tell from the looks of things here' he thought 'yeah same with lov I don't know just full of dipshits and a man baby the only one person that seems cool and that's dabi your classmates older brother' said himiko in denki head 'really you should see my class full for people that are jealous of nii-san's class' said neito also in denki head 'okay we can talk later I think my homeroom teacher is talking to me here' said denki ending the talk "kaminari are you listening to what I said to you about your grades" said aizawa-sensei "sorry I wasn't paying attention to you" said kaminari while the class was laughing at him saying that his 'stupid' 'no brain' and other things that he didn't pay attention to. The only people that didn't find it funny was midoriya and todoroki and other classmates. Okay just smile and laugh and after you can cut and have your anxiety attacks in the bathroom alone

At lunch

I left the class not paying attention to anyone so I went to the bathroom and into a stall locked it and leaning on the door and falling to the ground taking out my mini dagger and I have with me then started cutting until I heard someone come and knock on the door and start to sing the song I know to well

I used to be so happy but without you here
I feel so low
I watched as you left but I can't seem to let you go
Cause once aporn a time you where my everything
It's clear to seem time hasn't changed a thing
It's buried dip in inside me but feel there's something you should know
I will never forget you
You will always be by my side
From the day that I met you
I knew that I would love you til the day I die
And I will never want much more
In my heart❤️ I will always be sure I never forget you always be by my side till the day I die

I opened the door to see neito crying and hugging me while my wrists are still bleeding but I didn't care so I hugged back
"Why didn't you tell me that you had an anxiety I knew that something was wrong when I didn't see you at lunch do I came and smelled your blood and I know to well that we all have a problem of cutting" said neito "I know and I'm sorry little brother but I needed time alone" I said and got a smack at the back of my head by neito "you needing time alone means that you are cutting your one part of your body with your mini Dagger so I don't think I can trust you alone again" said neito I just laughed because I know his right I felt two people run away from the bathroom I don't know who they are I hope we don't know each other or the could tell people my secret


Longest chapter I have ever made so yes

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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it began as a mistake (tododekukami) mpregWhere stories live. Discover now