Dont overthink this

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I pulled away my eyes closed not wanting to look at him. He meant his forehead against mine still pushing me against the wall "merry Christmas love" he whispered. "Merry Christmas- "PANDORA COULD YOU COME HERE FOR A SECOND PLEASE" I heard my brother shout for me so without another world I left. I left him standing there.

Dinner time.

I was sat in between draco and Liam as we ate our food. Draco, Tyler and Liam were laughing making jokes making narcissa laugh aswell while me and mattheo who was sitting opposite me sat and ate in silence not finding their jokes even remotely funny.

"Hey panda u alright" I heard liams muffled voice. Someone shook my arm and I snapped out of my trance "u okay" Liam said worried the table was silent "yeah I'm fine just zoned out that's all." I sent him a smile and took my empty plate to the kitchen.

"He still loves you, you know" I heard Tyler say "I know I do to" in whispered just loud enough for him to hear "then do something about it" he said "you know how hard it is for me to forgive people it isn't that easy" "Pandora you have been broken up for months I think he's learned his lesson" he laughed sitting on the counter "cmon their probably waiting for us" I said dragging him back out.

Mattheo POV

After food we all watched a movie together I wasn't paying attention I just sat on my phone.

After that i went to bed seeing as I had to be up early tomorrow.

It was around 2am and I still wasn't asleep. I ended up just sitting on my phone watching Netflix.

I was watching (your choice) when my door opened then closed and I heard footsteps coming towards me. I felt someone climb into bed with me and straddle me but I knew the scent. I knew it was her but why.

She put her finger on my lips shushing me. "Don't overthink this, okay" she whispered I nodded confused when she moved her finger and kissed me.

I moved my hands onto her hips and she moved her kisses down to my neck gently biting making my groan.

I flipped her over so She was under me not liking her being in control.

(You know what happens next)

She fell down next to me, the both of us breathing heavily. "Woah" we both said. I felt her turn to look at me so I did the same "I missed you" I whispered "I missed you too" she said as I pulled her into me.

I woke up to a knocking on my window. I looked around me, no pandora, it was still dark and I was fully clothed. It was just a dream. She didn't come in.

I went to my window letting the owl in, it dropped a letter into my hands and sat on my desk.

Hey riddle, I was suppose to be staying with pandora for the last week of the holiday. But somethings come up. Tyler and Liam will not be there and I don't want her to be alone. Please keep an eye on her. I would really appreciate it.

Theodore nott

I put the letter on my night stand and went to bed, she doesn't need looking after she's not a child I thought.

The next morning

I went down to breakfast seeing Liam, pandora and Draco already eating. "Where's Ty" I asked sitting by liam. "Gone home with Bella" pandora answered.

"I'm gunna drop off liam at Weasley house and I'll see u back at mine k Draco. Bye Mattheo" pandora said as her and liam went towards the door.

"Wait your staying with her?" I asked "yeah I figured if both the boys are leaving then I'll keep her company because if something were to happen Theo would kill me" he said placing his cutlery down.

Pandora pov

We went back to the house so liam could pack first "you sure you wanna go I mean you don't have to" I said trying to get him to stay " I'm sure you'll be fine I promise" "I know I'm just gunna miss you that's all" I said hugging him before we got in the car "no you just don't want me with Harry or hermione or Ron" "that to" I said letting go "I like the twins tho hang out with them their cool" I said as we both climbed in the car. Me in the drivers seat him in the passengers seat.

Im not sorry   (Mattheo Riddle X reader)Where stories live. Discover now