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After brushing his teeth and cleaning his face, jimin returned to his bedroom and changed into a pair of high waisted black jeans that had the ends shaped as a bell while on top he placed on a oversized soft blue hoodie that had attached underneath the collar of a fake shirt, the blonde sat in front of his small vanity desk and applied on himself light makeup to then brush his blonde locks "mom! Where are my white tennis with platform?" He called for the woman creaking open his door "the ones i got you?" He hummed at his mother who peeked through the stairs "they are down here, hurry so you can eat before leaving" jimin gave a short reply and returned inside his bedroom to place on soft white socks and finally take his bag to go downstairs "are you busy after school angel?" Jimin shook his head right away taking a huge bite from the sandwich.

"Let's go out today, I will go pick you up" jimin narrowed his eyes but smiled "okay, but if something is up tell me now" chewing on his breakfast while getting a breathy chuckle of the h/c haired woman who Calmly drank her coffee "nothings wrong I just want to spend some time with my son, besides jungkook and that other boy have been keeping you all to themselves" a small rosey tint covering jimins cheeks apart of the light blush he had already applied "not true!, anyway, you can pick me up luckily I won't have practice today" jimins mom smiled and leaned back against the counter "aren't you competing these year?"

"We are but we will practice more starting next week" y/n hummed a small knock sounding from the front door "oh I think it's jungkook" the blonde cleaned his hands and stood up, he opened the door to find his best friend dressed in a plain white skirt and a purple hoodie on top, his brown hair in ruffled curls while he unlike jimin wore a more strong makeup, bold eyeliner on his eyes a pink lipstick on his lips with gloss on top "you ready min?" Tilting his head at his smiling friend who nodded and Crouched down to pick his bag "i'm leaving! See you later mom"

"See you angel" jimin closed the door walking next to taehyung while making sure he had everything on his bag "oh hi joonie" he greeted the older brunette while sliding in the backseat of the car "hi minie, how you doing?" Glancing at the blonde through the mirror "I'm well joon" returning the smile taehyung closing his door and namjoon pulling from the driveway "oh by the way, did it helped what you asked me yesterday?" Namjoons eyes widened and he glanced at taehyung who on his lap signaled him to stay calm "y-yeah I already decided what to get him" his brother giving him a thumbs up "really? That's good then" namjoon internally thanked jimin didn't ask more "so jimin, let's talk about last night"

"What about last- oh" jimin sat back fidgeting with his fingers on his lap "that jimin, you said you where hanging out with jungkook and jiwoo" the blonde hummed "tell me how was it?"

"Fun" for some reason jimin felt like if he was being scolded "where did you said you went to?" Jimin stared from the backseat between namjoon and taehyung and answered "we went to the beach, and we hanged out there for a while" taehyung hummed taking mental notes of everything "and then you texted me" jimin softly nodded looking at his hands on his lap "why is it you think jungkook likes jiwoo?" Namjoons head quickly snapped to look at his brother clearly not aware of that before returning his attention to the road "well... he looks at him differently I guess, but I don't really mind, he is my friend and even if he doesn't fell the way I do I will still stick around because he had always done it for me" there was thick silence in the car namjoon sparing glances at his brother who heaved out a sigh "you are not even that sure jimin so don't give up yet" the blonde simply shrugged.

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