𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥'𝕤 𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕥?

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❥ᔇᔅ❥ ✨ <> ✨ ❥ᔇᔅ❥

When jungkook woke up he was alone in the bed, no sight or sound from the blonde, he got up and took a shower.

Washed his teeth.

Changed into fresh clothes and finally left the room "morning lover boy" namjoon teased as soon as his best friend saw him step out of the room "shut up" rolling his eyes at the older starting to walk together down the stairs "they left for an early practice and will be back to pick up their stuff and leave to the competition" the older spoke as soon as he noticed his friends face "I know joon" he smiled reassuringly just as they spotted jiwoo inside his car "alright, let's have breakfast and come back to then leave for the competition" jungkook agreed and slided into the backseat after greeting jiwoo.

After practice jimin hurried to his room and took his bag with his things already prepared, he walked out of the room bumping into jiwoo as he walked out "hey doll" he smiled briefly starting to rush down "hi woonie, hey do you mind taking me to the competition site? I need to be early to see when is our turn" the black haired hummed and got inside his car followed by jimin "Where's jungkook by the way?" The blonde asked as they started driving "he is with namjoon, said he wanted to get you a small present whether you guys win or lose" in his stressed state he was able to crack a smile at the thought of the older getting him a detail for after the competition.

In little time they arrived to the place and got off together after parking the car, jiwoo only following jimin around as he went to three different booths until he found the right one listening faintly to whatever the blonde and the other person where talking about until he was snapped out of his thoughts by jimin gently placing a hand on his shoulder "hey, do you guys got any seats?" Jiwoo nodded looking at the boy behind the plastic table "yeah we got them all set, don't worry about it" speaking once he returned his attention to the younger "great! Come on I will go to the changing rooms, put these on" giving the badge for access to the taller "'Kay thanks" placing it on and once again following jimin backstage. After going through security they arrived to the still empty changing rooms assigned to their school cheerleaders, the blonde disappeared behind one of the few curtains and started undressing "and who made the uniforms in the end? I remember you mentioning you got new ones" jimin hummed "bora offered herself to do it, her mom is some kind of clothing designer" Jiwoo's brows raised in surprise just as jimin stepped out from behind the curtain "and it looks so pretty" he smiled wide catching his figure on the long mirror in front of the chairs and vanity table.

It was a white tennis skirt with the very bottom edge a dark red followed upwards by a yellow and then again dark red, the rest white while the top was long sleeved and white the letters of their school following the same color sequence as the bottom of his skirt "it is actually pretty" jiwoo complimented looking at the newly changed blonde "I know!" He smiled wide.

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