Chapter Three

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Please vote and comment. Again not edited, so feel free to point out any errors. I am not very happy with this section so any constructive criticism appreciated.

Of course, I had walked around for ten minutes before being recaptured, by yet another rebel. Apparently they now grew on trees. This one seemed to come equipped with actual brains, which meant he tied my hands together after dumping me by the dying fire. Through all this, I had tried to make  polite small talk; how are you, such unseasonably weather ect.

His response was limited exclusive to the odd meaningful glare. These manage to convey a deep hatred for both me personally and society as a whole. As a conisour of glances, my speciality was the smile, I was rather impressed.

I was then treated to this new delinquent berate Owin. Obviously, being the sweetheart that I was I didn't laugh. Out loud. But (when I thought no one was looking) allowed myself a small smile. Unfortunately, new guy, saw this smile and turned to me with quite a malevolent grin,

'Who are you then?'

'You may call me Angel, or Angel of Mercy if you prefer.' I said, pasting soft compassionate smile on my face.

He laughed, rather demonically,  and spoke again enunciating each word for added menace,

'What.  Is. Your. Name?'

I had no intention of telling either of these people my name, it was now a matter of principle, so instead I smiled sweetly and changed the subject to something nice and uncontroversial.

Why they wanted to bring down our government.

'This government takes away our choices, who we marry, what job we do, where we live. We want a society were every one is equal, has there own choice are free. We want an end to capital punishment, to dress codes, to everything that limits us as humans'

Came the swift, growl of a reply.

I tried to look like I understood, or even found merit in the idea, but it was so ludicrous that I had to speak out,

'That's the best way to run a society in a utilitarian way, the best choice is made for society, which means that we have highest quality of each profession as trade secrets are passed down through the family or exceptional candidates moved to other professions, divorce rates are the lowest in the world giving children the most stable environment and if we wanted the government to change we would vote in a different one!'

They both gave me a flabbergasted look, almost like I was the mad one. Owin spluttered out a string of sounds, and the other one glared darkly. I normally would then say something to diffuse tension, probably a joke about how I 'really know nothing about such things' but I didn't really feel like being polite to my kidnappers.

Suddenly, The Dark Brooding One (as I had decided to christensen the new one)

'You're a dancer, aren't you? Well then, twinkle toes, why don't you show us your moves, that is in less you want to cooperate?' . He smirked at me, clearly thinking that there was no way I would actually dance, thinking he had forced me into a corner.

It was one the tip of my tounge to remind them that I was under no obligation to do as they said. They couldn't kill me, unless they wanted to find another hostage to terrorise. However, in the interests of cooperation I decided to how to there ultimatum. And when given an ultimatum, there is only one thing to do, choose the option they don't expect. With this in mind, I gracefully stood up, put on my  ballet shoes and started to dance.

I will include a video of her dance in the next chapter :)

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