Tw// panic, breakdown

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Bruno Madrigal has been by himself for a very long time. He's been living alone in the walls of his childhood home for years and even though he's been back for about a year, he's still trying to get used to it. He's not alone anymore, and it's getting harder for him to accept it; being part of a big family and all. Abuela, Julieta and Pepa (and their husbands), Isabella, Luisa, Mirabel, Delores, Camilo, and Antonio! The youngest three haven't met Bruno until now... he watched them grow up from behind the wall. He loved them dearly, there was no doubt about that, but he couldn't help but feel...

"Tio... Tio.... Bruno!"

Bruno's head shoots up. He cowers a little, his eyes on the table. His hands immediately went for the table. When he hears glass clattering in front of him, he can finally let out a breath. He keeps his eyes closed to do so. He wasn't in the walls anymore. That was the hard part.

"Aye, Mira. What's up?" He opens his eyes, and they settle on Mirabel. He'd never say it out loud, but she's his favorite. Her eyes burn holes into him, in response he shifts uncomfortably.

"Come with me! I'm not the only one who doesn't have an ability to use anymore, so we get to hang!"

To say the man lit up would be an understatement. He practically jumped from the table. He loved his walks with Mira. He loved being outside! It made it better knowing she'd be with him the whole time, and she would be. She never let them get separated from each other. The walk to town was calm, until it wasn't. When the uncle/niece pair reached the middle of town, the music got louder, laughter rang in their ears and the closer they got, the more Bruno wanted to go home. He kept his eyes down, and his arm locked into Mira's. You felt the arm link into yours, but you associated it with a child that got lost in the crowd. You'd help them find their family when the people cleared up.

"Mira, is it okay if we head home? I'm getting.... nervous- OH goodness I'm so sorry! I was just with- I was with Mira- Mira... she was just here! She said she'd be here the whole time- I'm sorry! I'm so-" Bruno scrambles, jerking his arm away from yours. He looks around frantically, trying to find something he can use to help calm his senses. His feet are planted firmly on the ground, almost like he didn't put them there himself. You look at him, your head tilted just a little, taking him in. His hair is long, wavy and looks soft, but you can tell it's kind of tangled. He's tall, thin, and he looks like he's new here. He said he was with a girl named Mira... did he mean Madrigal? Mirabel Madrigal? You step out of your head for a second to refocus on him.

"It's alright, it's alright. Can you tell me who Mira is?" You try and keep your voice just above a whisper as you try and step closer to him. He shakes his head, and that's when you notice his eyes. Even with tears threatening to spill over, you can't help but notice the kind of hazel they are. They aren't more brown than green, or more green than brown. The perfect in between. He looks back at you, biting his bottom lip in an attempt to keep quiet. He brings his gaze back to the pavement, shaking his head. You try again, this time wrapping an arm around him. You pull him away from the crowd, up against the wall of a building. He walks with you hesitantly, occasionally stopping to make sure he recognizes where he is. Once you reach the closest building, you give him your hand and slide down the wall until you're both sitting. You move your arm and try again.

"Do you mean Mirabel? Madrigal?" you ask, your voice still low. He nods quickly, like he's running out of time. His chest begins to rise and fall at a rate that worries you, and you feel him starting to shake.

"Okay, okay. Can you breathe with me for a second, please? We'll do it together. I'll be quick, I promise." Again, he nods. You start. You direct him to breathe in, hold it, and breathe out. 10 seconds for each direction, about 4 times. His breathing barely evens itself out and he nods to himself, trying to take in your praise after each complete breath. He twiddles his thumbs, unsure of what to say or do. People scare him. Finally, he musters up some courage. He licks his lips, scrunches his nose, closes his eyes, and asks:

"Do you have any glass?" The question catches you off guard, but you shake your head.
"No? What would glass do right now?"

Bruno pauses for a moment before explaining. "I like the noise it makes against wood. Like, the sound of setting a plate down for dinner... it reminds me that I'm a part of a family. I missed my family." It clicks in your head now- he's the estranged uncle. He doesn't look evil? He looks afraid. You nod, moving your arms from around him to unclip one of your bracelets.

"They're glass beads, so they might have the same effect. Is this okay?" He nods again, notably exhausted and still shaking. His eyes are puffy, red, and all you want to do is hug him. He doesn't put the bracelet on, but he plays with the beads in his hands. His deep, shaky breaths finally stop. He lets out a sigh. You feel something hit your shoulder, but when you look over you see a sleeping Bruno. Perfect timing, because here comes Mirabel. She's waving, running up to you guys. She notices he's asleep and clamps her hands over her mouth to stop herself from making any more noise. Hm, maybe that habit runs in the family.

"Thank you, Y/N. I'd been looking for him!" You smile at her, your face telling her it's all okay. She examines him further.

"Is he okay?" she looks worried. "Did something happen while I was gone?" You hold a finger to your lips to shush her.

"He got scared, was all. I don't think he likes crowds all that much. He liked my bracelet though? Something about the glass being calming for him."

Mirabel smiles at that. Bruno shifts and brings his bracelet-filled fist up to rub his eyes. Mira's bright smile is the first thing he sees. He hugs her immediately, huffing and puffing about how she promised not to let them get separated. Mirabel smiles, promising to 'babysit him better'. Bruno looks over at you and gives you a weak smile.

"Uhm, I'm sorry for causing you trouble-" he extends his arm to give you back your bracelet. You push his arm back down, a grin tugging at your lips.

"It's okay, you can keep it. When you find yourself in a situation like this, use it to help you breathe- Like we did earlier, remember? Or come find me. Okay?" Bruno takes his arm back, and Mirabel looks between the two of you, starting to piece together the look he's giving you. He smiles a little bit, just enough to where you can point out that it's a smile.

"I- yeah. I can do that. I'll find you... right. Okay, uhm-"

"C'mon, Tio Bruno. We should head back." Mirabel laughs at Bruno's loss of words. You lower your eyes, focusing on straightening up. "Thanks for taking care of him, Y/N!" Mirabel waves with her free hand, since Bruno now refuses to let go of her other one. You nod, watching them walk off. You laugh each time Bruno almost turns around.

"Mira?" Bruno breaks the silence.


"She's nice."

"Y/N? Yeah, she's really sweet!"

"Can we come see her again soon?"

"Yeah, Tio. Whenever you want!"

"...right now?" 

"I- no, Tio. We just left."

Bruno looks at her and rolls his eyes, making sure to keep his hand closed around the bracelet. 

"So in the morning?"

"Fine. In the morning."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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