just davika.

160 8 11

Art by me))
Credits to ASadTiredGay for writing this with me, go check out their stories if you haven't already  :] ))

Dave: monika

Steven: natsuki

Roger: sayori

Matt: yuri.
Jack pov he's literally just a youtuber here-.

I start up the livestream annnddd go.

"Hey, hobos and homos. Welcome back to another video, I'm Jack and we are going to be playing this weird ass game yall suggested. It's called... doki doki literature club..? I don't know why the fuck yall suggested a dating sim but hey, I'll give it a go!"

I open the game and I'm instantly greeted with the sight of four boys-

"Yo is that dave??? Why is he the only one in a skirt lol"

Jack then took a closer look at both of the boys on screen

" wait holy shit is that Matt and Peters boss-"

"Aaanyway, let's start the game."

After act one)

" FUCKING CHRIST- yall didn't prepare me for that one chat-"

Jack looks at the chat on a second monitor

'Lol u good bro?' 'Yo the phone man dead lmao'  'told yall this would happen'  ' Yo did yall see the tangerine man blush at the start of the game?'

Jack immediately looked away from chat and continued on playing through act two until-

* stab, stab, stab, *

The in game Matt was on the floor bleeding out while slowly rotting over the weekend.

Jack stares at the screen in shock

"Hold up,




Jack presses the skip button on the game to make the death go by faster.

" That's something I'm never going to unsee."

After the events of that, the in game Steven had walked in

" You're here early, Jack i- "

He spotted the corpse and slowly backed out of the room

'Davika' (as chat likes to call him) walks in and sees the corpse

" oh... oh. Pfft, that's grim. " He smirks

"Wait,, were ya here the entire weekend, sportsy?" Game dave questions

"Ah geez. Didn't know I broke it that badly! Sorry sport. Musta been borin'"

"Howza bout I make it up ta ya?"

"Gimmie a sec..."he seemed to be messing around with a comtrol panel of some sort-

* Steven.chr has been deleted *

* matt.chr has been deleted *

"The actual fuck is happening???"

Jack looked over at the chat again

'Lmao wimp' ' Yo the purple dude is evil I tell ya.' ' just davika lmao ' ' Yo, tangerine tell the eggplant you love him already. "

davesport oneshots bc I'm not good with updating actual fanfics.Where stories live. Discover now