Chapter Twelve: Nationals (Final Chapter)

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It's been three months since the car accident, which meant Rachel was out of her cast, she was so excited, she made love to Faith the rest of the weekend. When they got to school the following week, Mr. Schue announced that National's was going to be in New York.

"Grr, why can't anyone get this routine down? It's not that complicated!" Nationals was coming up in a month, and it seems that Rachel is really stressing out.

"Calm down babe." Faith wrapped her arms around the brunette's waist, kissing her temple.

Turning her head to catch her chuckling girlfriend's gaze, she glared and pouted. "Sorry, but this so called glee club is anything but right now."

Rachel had been on a rampage since she found out that this year's Nationals competition was going to be in the big apple. As soon as she found out, she started bitching at the Mr. Schue, saying that the club wasn't nearly up to par. Mr. Schue just ran his hands through his hair in an aggravated fashion before conceding.

"Fine Rachel, we will start having three extra practices a week, will that work?" He was pleading with his eyes, hoping she would accept the offer and get off his back about it.

"Ok, that should be sufficient. Thank you." Rachel smiled brightly, turned and left the room. Leaving an extremely relieved teacher behind.

"Thank God." He murmured.

Rachel strode out of the room elated that the club was going to have extra practice's, God knows Finn needed it to work on his dancing, and singing as well. As she rounded the corner, she spotted her girlfriend. She sauntered up to Faith, shutting the other girl's locker, leaning against it in what could only be conceived as sensual. "Hello love, guess what?"

"What babe?"

Leaning off the locker and almost jumping up and down. "I finally got Mr. Schue to make the group stay for three extra practices a week!"

Faith was doubled over laughing at both the other girl's enthusiasm and the fact that it was directed towards extra practices, which will severely piss the rest of the group off. "That aint nothing ta be bouncing round about."

Rachel's giddy expression morphed into that of confusion. "Why?"

Shaking her head, Faith crossed her arms, leaning against her locker, and smirked at the other girl's clueless expression. "Cause everyone's gonna be super peeved at ya, they hate practicin as it is, much less three more times a week."

"Well if they really want to win, then they should be fine with it!" Rachel grits, folding her arms in a defensive manner. "If you don't want to go to the extra practices, then don't. Honestly, you don't need much as it is."

Giving her girlfriend an amused look, Faith uncrossed Rachel's arms, intertwining their finger's; rubbing soothing circles on the other girl's hands with her thumbs. "I wasn't saying I was upset or nothin, just that I can guarantee that the others will be."

"Sorry, I'm just excited about Nationals, but then again, I'm terrified. What if we aren't good enough, what if I'm not good enough?"

"Believe me, you're as good if not better than most of the singers out there. You're special Rachel, if we win, it won't be cause a the team it'll be cause a you."

Rachel kissed Faith soundly on the lips. "That's why I love you so much, you keep my crazy under control."

Faith laughed. "I know, without me you'd a already blown a gasket."

Everyone showed up for the first of many extra practices until Nationals, and most of the group as Faith had guessed were very upset about it.

"But we're doin just fine, what do we need extra practices for!" Mercedes gripes, hands on her hips.

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