The angel

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For Angie, Encanto was way more than a village. For her, the whole place meant time. Time with the people she cared about, free time, recovery time, it meant hope.

Even thought she was made aware that fate would always come, in that place it could at least be, a little, postponed. But as she, as an outsider had quickly learned that fact, the people born the magical village seemed to have yet to learn that important lesson. 

People there seemed bitter about fate, thinking that being in a place so full of enchantment  no harm could ever reach them, no harm at all. But life would always be afflicted by at least a bit of harm, things could go wrong, hearts can be broken, people die. What really mattered was learning to deal with it, and make the most of every second. That place taught that to Angie.

The blond girl had gotten used to a quiet routine in the few months she had lived in Encanto, she would help keep the house clean during the morning, take care of lunch, and then she would find somewhere quiet where she could read something - Usually, far from Pepa Madrigal, in fear of getting her books wet - Sometimes, if another kid around her age found her, she would take the time to play around for a bit, even if it wasn't exactly what she felt most comfortable with.

On the day fate struck her for the second time in her life, she was sitting in a tall branch of a tree, enjoying the shade provided by the leafs as she dived into one of her father's old book about ships maintenance. For a bit more than an hour, there were not a single noise around but the whispering of the wind through the trees.

But then there was a quick shifting on the ground, fast steps crashing the grass as someone run into the forest, not long after a few other steps were heard, this time a group. The hidden girl silently closed the book and took a look down.

Three boys with angry expression stood there catching the breath and looking at the trees, from that point n the forest would become darker as the trees grew closer to each other.

"Aparece Bruno!" One of the kids screamed, and the girl frowned at the anger in the boy's voice.


In the silent place a branch cracked in the deeper part of the forest, giving sign from, who she presumed to be, Bruno's presence.

"Common, let's destroy this malparido!" The boy who had screamed before commanded, guiding the other boys into the deep forest.

Whoever Bruno was, he seemed to be in a lot of trouble, three against one wasn't good. But she could even it out a little.

The girl was fast climbing down the tree and tugging the book on her bag as she followed the noise of the boy's footsteps, at some point the steps stopped and there was a loud thud, then the voices started.

"I didn't mean to see it!" A voice cried.

"Mentiroso! You always ruin everything!" There was a cry of pain and the girl took a large rock from the ground as she got closer to the voices.

The girl finally got clean sight of the boys, the trio was around a boy laid on the ground, the one who was leading of the attack seemed to prepare a kick - Which she assumed wouldn't be the first.

"How do you feel being the biggest disappointment of the Madrig-"  The boy stooped as the large rock hit the back of his head, Angie didn't waste any time quickly taking another one from the ground.

The three boys turned to the girl, and she threw the other rock, hitting the forehead of another boy.

"Leave him alone! The next one will hit even harder!" The blond girl said, taking another rock, it was a bit smaller but with enough strength could still do a lot of damage.

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