Interview 1 (just Killua)

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For this part i will have only killua being interviewed and not gon with him, because I went over the questions with him and he said that "having Gon there would be to ................ummmmmm........., embarrassing".  The charaters are in charater for this one. 

Me: So, killua, have you ever been in a romantic reltionship before? 

Killua: No. 

Me: what about a sexual relationship (smirks)?

killua: WHAT! NO! BAKA! (blushes)

Me: Ok, then. Next question. Do you like Gon?

Killua:(blushes) a friend (lies). 

Me: answer honestly. 

Killua:..................................................(as red as kurapika's eyes).....................fine I might like him more...........

Me: might?

Killua: fine,  yes I like gon (whispers quickly). 

Me: Name two songs that describe how you feel about gon. 

Killua: ummmmmmmmmm................Heart Attack by Demi lovaoto (i can't speel) (hhahahah speel)and electricty by silk city and dua lipa. 

Me: do you think that gon knows that you like him? 

Killua: I don't know, to be honest i am aware of how obvious i am, but gon is clueless as to anything love related. 

Me: that is it for the interview cause I have ran out of ideas to keep this going, that you for your time. 

Killua: your welcome, (walks away blushing) YOU TELL GON YOUR DEAD!!!!!!!

Me: i know. 

That was the first interview , If you want to see more please request in the comments. 

(someone please request smut i love writng it)

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