Killua and Gon (and some uninvited guests)

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Hi, sorry this took me so long, I lost my computer charger. Merry Christmas !! 

This next interview is less of an interview and more of a loud conversation with a few extra people but I decided to put it here anyway. 

(Both Killua and Gon are in the room ) 

Me: welcome to my room guys.

(They walk in)

(Killua trips on a random stack of books, face plants.)

Killua: Sh*t

Gon: are you okay? 

Killua: yes. 

(looks to me) 

Killua: why is your room so messy, and what is that noise? 

Me: Oh that's my rock tumbler. 

Killua : ( confused)your what? 

Me: So for this interview I'm going to ask questions that randomly come to my mind so you can expect this to be chaosagahffgh 

Me : (stubs toe on chair leg) mamghhgghgfmahfg (translation: me trying not to grab chair and throw it through the window) 

Killua: Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!

Me : (death glare) 

Killua: ( is now laughing at how pathetic my death glare is) 

Me: Okay first question. What is your guy's opinion one another. 


Killuae : ( turns into tomato ) Baka! 

Uninvited guest: OOooooOOOoohhhooooooowhat are youGggggggggggggGGGGGggggGGooo0ooooooooOOOOO000oooooooooooNNNNnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnNnnnn!!!! ~~~

Me: how did you get in here!!

Hisoka: Well there was this rectangular shape hole on the wall that I walked through an-

Me : I know what a door is, now can you leave. 

Hisoka: hhmmmm.... no~

Me: why!

Hisoka: reasons

Me: Is this cause I walked in on you and Illumi  last night? 

Killua: WAIT WHaT!!!!!!

Hisoka: yes

Gon: (looks under desk) Illumi why are you under the desk? 

Killua: what are you doing here!!!

Illumi: I don't know.

Me : how did you get in here !!

Illumi: well like Hisoka said there a hole in the wall called a door, and yours doesn't have have a lock on it. 

Me : yeah I'm aware of that, now please get out . 

Illumi: ( stands up so wobbly and true to walk. Eventually ends up falling flat on his face. 

Killua: Illumi wHY CaN't you waLk !!!

Illumi: (mutters something inaudible) mamdhndjhisnnrknsosnkaxxx

Hisoka: (smiles with pride)~~~

Killua: ILlUMi wHy CAN'T YoU WaLk?!?!?!!?!?!?!??!

Hisoka: you know why Killua (smirks)~~~~~~

Killua : ( looks at him, is disgusted) 

Gon: (inocently ) why can't Illumi walk? 

Hisoka: (says nothing, picks up Illumi bridal style and walks out of the room with a smirk) 


Me: that was interesting...... Well sorry guys but that's all the time I have I need to feed my gecko. 

Gon: can I help!! 

Me: sure 

That is the end of the well...... Interview???

Please request questions for me to ask them, I'm also working on a smut !😀

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