"Nice to meet ya!"

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(Y/n's POV)
-First Person

I woke up to the sun shimmering through my window. I opened my eyes slowly, scratching my eye and looking around, but the next minute, I felt the energy generate inside of me as I leaped up and speedily went to do my morning routine in my bathroom. (Includes Brushing Hair/If you have any ^^, Brushing Teeth, Washing Face, Taking Shower, etc.)

Small Time Skip~

Once I was done, I came out feeling refreshed, stretching a bit and yawning. I went over to my drawers and pulled out my f/o, soon putting it on. I threw on my shoes/boots and grabbed my keys, heading out and locking the door behind me. Today was beautiful, some clouds floating by and wind blowing briefly. Oh! Right, My Intro! They call me 'Y/n L/n the A/s (Animal Species/Unless your human)' and I love to (insert favorite hobby/hobbies)! I live in a Town of Nice people, fun places, and many more, The one they call Creation City (I felt inspired by Dracunyan1987 ^^)! I decided to take a nice walk because I needed some fresh air, and its good exercise!

But as I was walking, I heard music, two different voices singing after one another as if it were an argument. One voice reminded me of my favorite Cartoon Character, Mickey Mouse, the other reminded me of my other favorite Cartoon Character, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, in which I love both very much! Excitement and Curiosity winning the best of me, I ran towards the music and voices hoping to get something out of it. I took many turns and paths, left, right, U turns, and more, but I so happened to take a certain turn...that took me right to it, or should I say...them...

Much like I wanted to see, I was met by the sight of Oswald and Mickey Arguing in a rap battle on a stage from afar, BF and GF (Cameo Appearance from FNF) Dancing to the song. I was surprise to see my two favorite Cartoon Males fighting at who's better at the rap battle. They soon finished, leaving BF and GF to clap happily, Mickey and Oswald putting fake smiles on their faces until the two left. They angrily glared at each other, I wanted to know why they were mad, so I hid in a bush to eavesdrop "You Always try to make yourself look soooo Good! You took my spotlight for Goodness sake! I was made before you, Rat!" Oswald shouted "Ugh! First off, don't call me a Rat! Second, At least I don't scare children from having the ability to pull off limps when needed!" Mickey shouted back "I DON'T DO IT 24/7 OKAY!? And I'm sure they think its cool!" Oswald bragged, pointed at himself confidently, leaving Mickey Growling in anger. I never saw them so mad before, it was kinda startling. I finally got to the point, they were jealous of each other, and of who was better, they can both do things that an audience can endure to like. Of to not alert them, I tried hiding myself more into the bush so they wouldn't see me, but sadly, a stick had cracked in half from my knee crushing it, I gasped in fear. One of Mickey's mouse ears twitched as him and Oswald turned quickly towards the bush I was in "Who's there?" Oswald asked firmly. I fell on my knees and covered my mouth, shaking.

The two looked at each other, then back to the bush I was in, walking towards it 'Nonononono! Please may they not find me!' I thought as they drew closer...and closer...and closer. They made it to the bush and stood there, waiting for another sound to be sure. I stayed still, whimpering a bit "Hello?" Mickey asked, I thought I could sneak out the bush, moving backwards slowly, but that caused the leaves in the bush to make a rustling noise. Oswald growled and dug his hand/paw in the bush, his arm grabbing my wrist, I screamed, causing him to pull me out faster. He met face to face, and he looked very aggressive "WHO ARE YOU!?" He screamed threatingly "I-I'm sorry..." I whimpered "TELL ME WHO YOU ARE!!" He commanded, that was the first time Oswald, from my perspective, turned scary. I tried pulling my arm out, but he wouldn't let go. I began to cry, me using my other arm to wipe my tears away "I-I'm Y/n!" I cried out, he remained silent, looking at me judgementally "Ozzy Stop! Your scaring her!" Mickey scolded, Oswald soon started to look very guilty, his grip on my arm loosing up. He looked into my e/c teary eyes "I-I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. Please forgive me! This is such a unrecommended way of meeting!" He said sorrowfully. He helped wipe my tears away, stopping me from crying, I looked up at him, he blushed a bit "You sure are beautiful... I mean-My Name is Oswald! Buuuut you can just call me Ozzy for short! All my friends call me that..." He said, whispering the last part playfully, I giggled sweetly, blushing. I can't believe that I'm talking to my favorite stars!! Omg, omg, OMG!!! I can tell in Mickey's eyes that he was getting jealous, he soon pushed Oswald to the side "Hey cute one! I'm Mickey Mouse, But you can call me Mick!" He bragged, hitting me with a wink. I covered my face, blushing madly than ever "Nice to meet ya!" I said.

Oswald got up, growling. Him and Mickey started pushing each other "Aah, Wait! Can I get you guys autographs? I'm such a Huuuuge Fan!! Eeeee!!" I squealed, they looked at me "Uuuh, Yeah, Yeah! Of course!" Mickey replied. He gave me his autograph, Oswald stepping up and doing the same. They took awhile to write it though, but soon handed it to me. I smiled happily "Thank you so much!-" I was cut off by Mickey pulling me into a hug, wrapping his arms around my waist and snuggling me "No problem at all, Pal! No.problem.at.all..." He said, the last phrase sounding sneaky. I heard Oswald tapping his foot at full speed, Mickey soon pulled me away, Oswald now hugging me "Did you know that Rabbits are more cuddly than Mice? I've known that longer than Mickey did." He spoke "Argh Hush You!" Mickey added, crossing his arms. Oswald pulled me out of the hug, coming down to my level "Now You becareful, okay?" Oswald asked "I will, Ozzy! Thank you! Bye! See you and Mick later!!" I said, running off. I can't believe I had that interaction with them!! This is officially the best day of my life! I wonder if we will ever meet again, I can't imagine if we were best friends, I just hope they don't get into another fight...

Time Skip~

It was dark outside, and I was just coming back into my house after running a bunch of errands for the day, and of course, taking the walk that I intended. I soon got comfortable and called my best friend, (Insert Friend's Name).

Best Friend: Hiya!

Me: F/n!!! (Friend's Name)

Best Friend: Omg!! Y/n! You sound excited!!

Me: I am! You won't believe who I met!!

Best Friend: Who?




Best Friend: Marry One of them! Now!

Me: Hahahaha!! I wish I could! Oh dang, my phone is about to lose battery, I will talk to you later!

Best Friend: No problem! I hope you meet up with them again, you need to have a friend...more like Boyfriend! Hahahaha!!

Me: Awwww! Hush you!
*Starts to blush at the thought*

Best Friend: Bye Bestie!

Me: Byeeee!!!

I hung up the phone, placing it down on the small table next to my bed. I rested on my pillow and held the autographs in my hands/paws. I smiled, but suddenly I had the urge to turn the autographs around, and so I did. I was shocked at the sight...


A/N: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! I apologise for any spelling mistakes, but I had a whoooole lot of fun writing this! I'm such a Huge #1 fan of Dracunyan1987, and had more motivation to write this! Updates shall be soon to all! I don't see many stories of Oswald being the main or one of the main characters of the story or one shot, so I was like why not! And Mickey too?! Omg this is crazy fun!! I never thought of this before so this is new and fun!! I hope you all enjoy!!

Stay Tuned!!
Love You All! 💞

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