Hawks POV
I was walking around after I got off patrol as I always do when I seen my boyfriend Dabi. Dabi walks over to me and grabs my wrist then pulls me into a near by ally way. "Hello handsome" Dabi says. "Hi babe, how was your day?" I ask him will hugging him. "its been a long day and all i want to do is go home and cuddle and spend time with my bird man" Dabi tells me. "Well i better be that bird man because i am in need of cuddles and my burnt chicken nugget man" I laugh. "of course your the bird man and what did i tell you about calling me a burn chicken nugget" Dabi says as he grabs onto my wing teasing me. "ahh~" I moan softly. "what have i told you about grabbing my wings" I tell him. "oh you know you like it" Dabi says. "your right i do" i whisper in his ear and kiss his neck softly. "we shall finish this at home baby~" Dabi tells me while grinning.
[Time skip to when they get home]
Dabis POV
We got home and I instantly pinned him to the wall and put one hand on his wings. "So Keigo do you want to finish what you started in that ally way~." " no not really baby I'm sorry i hurt and its been a really long day and i hurt can we just cuddle and watch a movie please?" Hawks says as i unpin him. "Yes my king we may" i tell Hawks. He blushes when i call him my king. "oh why are you so red...My king~" i whisper in his ear. He turns even more red and gets flustered. "I'm going to go shower Daddy~". Hawks tells me as my face turns red. "oh i see what your doing" I tell him. "oh you do know" he says. "i know exactly what your doing your trying to get payback for me making you turn bright red" i told him. "Oh no you caught me but actually baby I'm going to take a bath you can come if you want I don't mind" he tells me. "yay i planed on coming anyway weather you liked it or not" i say while smiling. He just rolled his eyes.
[Time skip to after the bath]
Hawks POV
I walk to the bedroom with a towel wrapped around my waist as Dabi follows me. "I love you Keigo" Dabi tells me. "I love you to Touya" i tell him. I put on my boxers while Dabi just watches me like a creep. I jump onto the bed and look at Dabi and sigh. "Whats wrong king" he asks. "nothing just thinking" i tell him. "what are you thinking about" he asks while putting on his boxers and shorts. "I'm thinking about us" i tell him "oh what about us did I do something..." he asks while looking down kinda sad . I jump up and wrap my arms around his waist from behind "no you did nothing wrong i promise" i tell him while hiding my face into his neck. "okay sorry " he says. I tighten my grip and hold him close "don't be sorry you have no reason to be sorry" i reasure him. he smiles "baby can you let go please" he asks. I let go of him and sit onto the bed.
Dabis POV
I watch Hawks as he sits down and i smile at him. Hawks puts his arms up for a up motion so i pick him up and he wraps his legs around me and holds onto me. "thank you Daddy" he says. "your welcome baby" i tell him. "did you just go little on me" i ask him. He shakes him head yes and looks down "sorry" he tells me. I grab his chin and make him look at me "don't be sorry baby its okay do you want your binki or sippy or even both" i ask. he looks up "yeah i want both of them baby pwease" he says. I carry him to the kitchen and set him on the counter and grab his sippy "juice or water baby" i ask. "hmm...juice" he tells me and giggles a little. I pour juice into his sippy and give it to him. "I love you" i tell him, "i love you to da- Babe" he tells me then looks down. "whats wrong baby" i ask with a kinda concerned look. ''nothing'' he sighs. ''tell me keigo'' i say. ''i want to call you daddy but i can't'' he says looking down still. ''and why cant you'' i ask confused. ''because i don't want to mess with you'' he says while pouting. i grab his chin and make him look at me. "baby it's okay you can call me whatever you want i don't mind okay" i told him and kissed him on the forehead. he giggled and smiled "otay Daddy i love you" he tells me. "i love you to baby' i told him.
Hawks POV
I drank some of my juice while Dabi picked me up and we went to the living room. "what do you want to watch baby" he asks "hmm...what about Bolt please Daddy" i ask. "yes baby we can watch bolt" he tells me. he grabs the remote and puts it on. "binki" i say. "what baby" he asks. "can i have my binki daddy" i ask. "yes baby" he says while setting me on the couch. He walks to the bedroom and grabs my binki n come back and sits beside me. "here you go baby" he says then puts the binki in y mouth. i lean on him and he wraps his arms around me and we cuddle and watch the movie.
[Time skip to after the movie]
(3rd person POV)
Keigo fell asleep in Dabis arms and he held him close so that he stays warm and so he knows hes safe with him.
(1012 words)
random anime ship headcanons
De Todoi have no idea what im going to write exactly but ig ima do this i will also gladly take ship rerqueasts i will tell you if i do them and if i won't but i will more than likly do them weather i like them or not