resuced (2/2)

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Micheal Myers
You were getting in a good night's sleep for once not worried about Micheal bursting in when you hear a gentle knock on your door, you get up to answer thinking it's just Matt.
As soon as you open the door a hand wraps around your neck and throws you over its shoulder. It takes you a second to notices it's Micheal "Micheal please don't take me back please please don't" you yell, tears running down your face
Soon enough Micheal throws you on your bed and climbs onto you you kick and scream but are soon shut up by a kiss. You melt into it and wrap your arms around his neck. He grabs your waist with his rough hands.

~time skip (I'm sorry I hate smut)~

Your head fell back onto the bed, you were out of breath. Micheal was gone to God knows where, but the time Micheal got back you were fast alseep. Micheal shakes his head and wipes you down with a warm wash cloth before leaving.

Freddy Kruger
It had been a month since you last saw Freddy and you needed to get your refill. When you got there they looked panicked "something happened, they are all gone" they shout and send you home.
You tried to put of sleep for as long as you could but after a month of sleeping regularly you passed out at 3 am.
Freddy glared at you "it's been a month" he says sourly, you choose not to respond "do you know how lucky trouble I had to go threw to get rid of their pills?!" He shouts "never take those pills again!" He finishes "I have scars, from you 'punishing' me! " You shout right back at him "thats a great way to get more scars sweetcheeks" "AND YOU WONDER WHY I TOOK THE PILLS!" You scream before waking up.

Jason Voorhees
You were in the back seat of the two boys car, your eyes were covered by a piece of your OWN shirt and your hands were tied with more of your own shirt.
You got flinged upwards but your seatbelt stopped you. Screams were heard and so was a giant ripping sound. "Please help!" You shouted not even caring who the hell it was.
It was over all screams and noises were gone and you were crying hysterically. The cloth over your eyes was soaked. Rough but familiar hands grabbed you "Jason!" You shout crying harder. Jason picks you up and unties your hands, you rip off your blindfold and grab onto Jason as hard as you can "they took me" you cry out, Jason grunts and holds you against his chest.

You were locked in a cage by the brunette "Why the hell am i here?!" You scream kicking the bars 0f the cage "at my house, I'm saving you from chucky. Be greatful" he mutters the last part and walks away.
It's been a week and you were hungry, sure you didn't need food but it was nice.
You have deieced to act like a toddler "HEY MISTER KIDNAPPER MAN" you shout, the man stomps back into the room "what the fuck do you want?" He asks clearly pissed "I need food" you say glaring at him "you don't NEED food you want food" he replies unimpressed "feed me feed me feed me feed me" you say over and over. The man just leaves.
Chucky crawls threw the window and glares at you "this is where you've been" he said sourly. "I was kidnapped numb nuts" you say trying to keep your voice down "now get me outta here" you say before hitting the cage.
Chucky sighs and looks for the key, soon finding it and unlocking the door to your cage. You step out and immediately ran for the window, Chucky right behind.

(Sorry this took so long :( I got sick so I have more time)

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