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"All these things are not by chance, it's the two of us who found the fate."

You looked around the room which you are sleeping tonight.

The room had a musty odour, evocative of grandparents' houses - the type that makes you feel safe and cosy.

It was lit dimly by a tall lamp in the corner with a green lamp shade decorated with light, undulating patterns, all but lost under a thick coat of dust.

There was drab, vile, green wallpaper; dark green contrasting curtains; a wide, thin rug with tassels on. A wooden rocking chair sat in the corner, furnished with an old, dilapidated cushion.

A small, coal fireplace graced one wall beneath was a white, marble mantelpiece.

On top of the mantelpiece danced porcelain figurines and ornaments.

On walls hung portraits of long forgotten people, who looked about the room with a proprietorial air.

There was a sofa against one wall - a bland, beige coloured lump, which looked as if it would be itchy if you sat on it.

A pink doll's house was pushed up against a wall and enveloped in dust. It looked sad and lonely, as if it knew it would never be played with again.

Next to it sat a hobby horse with chewed-looking ears, missing its rocker.

If you looked out of the ornate window, you would see an overgrown jungle of a garden: brambles and an oak tree with branches like twisted fingers and gnarled, twisted roots protruding from the ground like snakes.

The bedroom was like sacred cocoon, your place of safety in poetic repose.

You saw bea entering the room with happiest smile on her glowing face as blonde locks flowed down to her shoulders.

"It is beautiful isn't it?" You nodded removing your gaze from bea to window , gazing at the stars filled sky.

It was like a scenary infront of you, and you could just touch it.

"C'mon let's sleep?" Bea asked making you tear your pupils from breathtaking scenery to bea.

"Okay." You lied down beside her as she snuggled into you making you smile.

Just then simba jumped on you two after you pulled the duvet over you two, making you chuckle.

You instantly started patting him and scratching his ears ,and with other hand caressing Bea's soft locks.


You jolted awake from glass stuttering making you think the worst.

Zombie entered oh no!

You hurriedly ran towards kitchen with your heart hammering into your chest, making your breathing uneven.

Switching on the lights you saw a panicked namjoon.

"What happened?" You walk towards him.

"I-i just came to drink water but unintentionally broke the glass" he looked down in shame.

You chuckled slightly making him face you.

"It's okay, I just hope no one wakes.." he smiled slightly,and that's it that smile! That fucking dimple smile was all making your heart flutter.

Heat rose from Y/n's stomach to her chest. Namjoon's lips were getting closer and her heart decided to skip a beat, the smell of him hypnotic beyond reason.

She parted her lips and felt him washing over like a wave of warmth, curling her toes,unfurling all her senses as the taste of him nearly silenced all thoughts.

Her whole body tingled, the feel of his frame leaning on hers as his arms wrapped around her felt nearly forbidden.

He pulled her in, claiming her mouth again, hungry and intense, until her knees gave in.

He pulled away shortly blushing madly.

"Umm it was nice-no good-no great!" You chuckled at his flushed handsome face unknown by the fact same was with you.

"Thank you...I guess we should head to bed?" He nodded and ran towards his room making you awe.


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