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“This is a joke, right?” Josh asked.

Warren King turned from the vast windows overlooking the ocean from his eighth floor corner office at Candy King. The noon sunlight spilled into the room. Four of his sons stood in varying stances of surprise and frustration—Josh with his arms crossed, Carson with his hands shoved in his pockets, Evan unconsciously rubbing his chest, Spencer slouched against the desk. Tension stretched the air.

“This is not a joke,” Warren said. “You knew I would retire eventually.”

“Maybe ten or fifteen years from now,” Evan replied. “And we figured you’d give us some notice, too. Like a year or two.”

Warren frowned. “I’ve no intention of giving you a year or two to replace me. I’d be useless within a few months. A lame duck presidency isn’t the way I intend to end a thirty-year career at Candy King.”

“You don’t have to end it at all,” Carson pointed out. “If you want to step down from the presidency, fine, but you can take another position. Or work as a consultant. Right?”

“No. My career at Candy King is at an end.”

“Dad, you can’t just quit.” Josh paced across the room, his forehead creasing. “You have a job here.”

“I know that.” As president, Warren had overseen the day-to-day Candy King operations and developed strategies to fulfill CEO Josh’s vision. He loved the work, he loved Candy King, and God knew he loved his sons. He’d also spent almost his entire lifetime working for his family’s historic company. Which was exactly what had made his decision so damned hard.

“Besides, you’re way too young to retire,” Josh continued.

“Age has nothing to do with it. I’ve worked for Candy King since I was twenty-five. My first job was on the lollipop production line in the factory. I made my way up like everyone else. But with you boys running operations now, I’m ready to step down. Any one of you can take over as president.”

“What if none of us want to?” Evan shook his head. “I’m not leaving the Cocoa Bean Team.”

“Then bring in someone else. It might be better if the president was someone from outside the family anyway.”

“You want us to headhunt?” Carson spread his hands out in bafflement, like he couldn’t imagine an outsider coming in to run the family company.

“If necessary. Or you’d be a great fit for president, Carson, if Evan doesn’t want to do it.”

Carson and Evan exchanged scowls.

“I’ve expanded the chocolate division and increased revenue by thirty percent,” Carson said.

Warren nodded. “Exactly. Imagine what you could do as Candy King president.”

“I don’t want to imagine it. You’re the Candy King president.” Carson’s scowl deepened, and for an instant he looked like the rebellious ten-year-old boy who had been caught ditching school while his identical twin took a math test in his place.

Affection eased the tightness in Warren’s chest. He hadn’t intended to upset his sons with the news, but he hadn’t expected their resistance either.

He could understand it, though. Both their family and company had withstood massive trauma and upheaval in the past thirteen years, and it had been through Josh’s leadership that Candy King  was not only still standing but had flourished into one of the most prestigious companies on a global scale. Warren’s retirement meant a major structural change that the whole company would have to navigate, following the lead of his sons.

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