||Chapter 4||

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"Don't you guys think we should really tell them who we really are..?" Lan sizhui asked

"Hm? What do you mean sizhui?"  Lan jingyi asked

" 'sigh'  what i meant is shouldn't we tell them who we really are and WHO is our parents since both of us are from the lan clan, granduncle will clearly be curious on who our parents are.." Lan sizhui said

Jin ling scoffed " i think that old lan will qi devitate once he finds out" he said

This made Ouyang zizhen agree

" master lan will clearly qi devitate once he finds out who your parents are sizhui and a-yi.." Ouyang zizhen said in a concerned tone

" that will be quite a scene, is it not?" Jin ling asked in a mischievous tone

" well~ it is quite funny when granduncle faints especially when its about a-niang" Lan jingyi said

Lan sizhui and ouyang zizhen could only sigh on their lover's antics

• Meanwhile•

Wei wuxian sighs as he returned from his meeting with his brother-in-law

' xichen-ge is quite busy for the past few days, jiang cheng would even come to me to complain on xichen-ge' wei wuxian chuckled as he remembered few days ago

When jiang cheng complained totally not worried why Lan xichen hasn't been visiting him.

Wei wuxian thoughts were cleared as he saw something different on his way to his invention room

Wei wuxian was worried when he didn't saw the four juniors who was sitting outside in invention room gone

Then he noticed the door to his invention room was slightly open, this made him even more worried

Just to make sure he checked his invention room every corner and room in his invention room

he didn't see any sign of the four teens he began to panic until he laid eyes on the talisman he was currently inventing

In the floor he was confused why when he left it was on his table when it hit him

"Oh no..." wei wuxian mumbled he even started to panic even more, not knowing what to do wei wuxian walked back-and-forth inside the room for a whole minute

'That's it!' We wuxian ran outside not forgetting to lock his invention room and ran to his husband who was having a break with his brother-in-law


'"so...what is this about?" Lan qiren asked while stroking his beard he was currently in a room with Wei wuxian, his two nephews?, jin zixuan, the  two jiangs and the four juniors who was from the future

"Well~ we want to say something!" Lan jingyi replyed in a quite happy tone

This made lan qiren's eyebrows twitched because it reminded him of a certain someone

" and what is it may i ask Jingyi? " Lan xichen asked

Lan jingyi inhaled while jin ling was just waiting for some drama along with Outang zizhen while Lan sizhui was concerned about the sit that might happen next

( What is it exactly will the four juniors wanted to tell them?)

- sorry for not posting my country was hit by a typhoon and we lost our electricity technically a brownout for six days and the signal was weak so I couldn't get online!sorry!-

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