1. First Words

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Roxy POV

I had no idea how long I had been stood here but I was completely transfixed by the match, or rather by the man in the match. Every week I stand in the backstage shadows and watch his matches, watch him, Damian Priest. 

I had developed somewhat of a crush on him the very first moment I saw him, he was tall, long dark hair, incredible smile, fantastic body and his tattoos were so hot......did I mention he's gorgeous? The only problem was I could never work up the courage to speak to him, so I've been patiently waiting for an excuse to do so.

"I thought I'd find you here" Liv says coming to stand behind me "Watching him again?"

"Yep" I say "Just look at him Liv, he's amazing, I want to be all up in his business"

"You need to talk to him first" she giggles "maybe it's time you come out from the shadows and let him see you"

"And what am I supposed to say?" I ask taking my eyes off him for a moment "Hi I'm Roxy and I've been low key stalking you since I started?"

"No" she says laughing "Try, Hi Damian or Great match you did good out there, you know something to break the ice"

"Maybe" I say turning back to the match "oh my god, just look at that, look at how his tights are sitting, I swear that man knows he is teasing people"

"The reason I was looking for you is Vince is looking for you" she says "it's important"

"but I......." I say motioning towards the match "fine I'll go, let me know how it ends"

"Wait you are actually interested in his matches?" she says sarcastically "here I thought you were just perving over him"

"Very funny Liv" I say flipping her the bird as I walk away to the sound of her laughing

I walk through the backstage area towards Vince's office, I had no idea what he wanted to see me about but I'm really hoping I'm not about to get fired, because losing my job before I've had a had a chance to speak to Damian would be just my luck.

When I approach the office I knock gently and wait "come in" he calls out and I push the door open.

"Ah Roxy just the lady I wanted to see" he smiles "please take a seat"

"How can I help you Mr McMahon?" I ask sitting down

"As you know we are currently having a tournament to decide the number one contender for the wwe title" he says "the final is happening right now in fact, we want to do the same thing with the Raw women's title and I have personally picked you to take part"

"Me?" I ask "I don't know what to say, Thank you"

"you are more than welcome" he smiles "you first match is next week, and you may want to pay attention to who wins the men's final, because the number one contenders will be teaming against the champions in a tag team match prior to the ppv"

"I will and thank you again" I say standing up "I won't let you down"

As I leave the office I am in a complete daze, this is an amazing opportunity for me and wait did he say the final was happening now? and then it hits me, I could have the chance to team with Damian Priest, looks like I just got my excuse to talk to him.

I head back to my spot to continue watching the match and find Liv still standing there, when she sees me she smiles at me and then motions towards the ring.

"Your man is kick ass right now" she smiles "So what did he want?"

"They are doing a tournament for the number one contender for the women's title and he's picked me to be in it" I smile "and if he wins and I win I will get to team with him against the champions"

"That's amazing I'm so happy for you" she smiles "Oh don't look now but Dolph just got the advantage"

"Come on Damian, you can do this" I say under my breath "Get up and kick his ass"

Almost as if he heard me Damian gets back to his feet and pummels Dolph before hitting the reckoning for the win, I cheer silently as I watch him celebrate in the ring, as he begins to walk towards us Liv nudges me.

"Now is your chance, speak to him" she says before walking away

As he approaches me I feel myself get extremely nervous and I lose the ability to speak, he gives me a small smile as he walks past me and then suddenly I get a surge of bravery.

"Hey Damian" I call out and he stops walking and turns to look at me "Great match you were amazing out there, congratulations on the win" I smile, he looks at me for a moment before smiling.

"Thanks it's Roxy right?" he asks and I nod completely dumfounded that he knows who I am "Listen a few of us are heading out after for a few drinks, why don't you join us?"

"Really? You....you want me to hang out with you?" I ask nervously

"Of course I wouldn't have asked if I didn't" he smiles "so I'll see you tonight?"

"Yes...absolutely see you tonight" I say and then he reaches out and tucks my hair behind my ear taking me by surprise

"Great, I'll look out for you" he says

As he walks away internally I am screaming Damian fucking Priest wants to hang out with me and I can't wait, but what the hell am I going to wear?

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