1 Episode 1 (1/4)

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No prologue let's get right into this haha!



If I could describe what I saw there's only one word needed; 'Hell.' This was absolute hell, blood spread everywhere, bodies, layed lifeless. It was destruction, but I guess that's what happens when war unfolds.

I was way to young to witness what I did, me; a girl born in piltover, raised to be a loving girl in a wealthy family.

There's one this piltover families hate... The undercity, although my family was different, as enforcers they had to keep it on a low.

I was close to 10 when the war unfolded, my parents tried to stop the fighting but was caught in the crossfire, or so I would like to say.

The enforcers shot them purposely, it angered me. I was pulled into the battle field, my parents got the name 'traitors'
And if I was ever seen I would be killed.

The fighting had died down, majority of people were dead, I was shaking, crying and gripping onto the oversized shirt my mother and father gave me before getting killed.

I saw their lifeless bodies, I ran over to them and cried so damn hard. My sobs got the attention of an enforcers, he came over to me, he had his gun pointed at me, he wanted to kill me.

Just then he was taken out, the thought gone from his head, life taken from him. I looked up at who just protected me.

A man, a tall buff one at that. He had metal gauntlets on, they were covered in blood.

My eyes trailed down to the gauntlets and back up to his face. My eyes filled with trauma, terrified on what was going to happen to me.

The man went to move towards me when I suddenly flinched, then the man spoke. His voice was so... Nice despite his look.

"Hey.. I'm not here to hurt ya.." His eyes trailed down to the bodies beside me. His eyes softened.

"Are those yer parents..." He had a thick accent, I was too petrified to even speak I just gave a slight nod. I was shivering, my body felt heavy.

His eyes flicked up. "Stay here for me ight'" He left with a small smile, he went to beat another enforcer.

Every punch, my body flinched. My parents body fell cold. I knew there was no coming back for them.

Soon the beating stopped, but not long after two bangs were heard, I flinched at them both. The gauntlets dropped on the ground.

Soon the man came back around to me, he had two girls in his arms. Both looked terribly tired. He called his friend over.

He was close to the other man in height but more.. plump. He reached his arms out. I took the invitation and grabbed his hands. He pulled me to my feet and lifted me in his arms.

"It'll be alright missy, I promise you, I'll take good care of you. Names Benzo, how about yours?" I gave no response I just tucked my head in his chest and cried.

He tightened his grip to make me feel more secure. "Don't worry.." He brushed his hand through my tangled hair.

"You can talk when you wish.." the walk was agonizing. Enforcers didn't bother to follow but I was taken in by this Benzo.

I was introduced to a boy, his name was Ekko. He was nice, he spend a lot of time with me, when he first met me he brushed my hair to untangle it but tried his best not to hurt me.

It's been a couple years since thY incident, Ekko and I are really close now, it's like a brother and sister relationship.

I opened up a little more, I stated my name, age and a bunch of other things. I got to know Vander and the kids he took in.

The two girls he took in that day, their names are Powder and violet but she likes to go by Vi.

There were two more, Claggor, a bigger boy, but he was so nice, I could just hug him and be with him all day.

While Mylo was the complete opposite, god I hate him sometimes. He's so annoying and he picks on Powder. Sometimes I wish I could just punch him in his ugly little face.

Sometimes he's bearable but that's hardly ever. He's a smart ass, I couldn't be in a room with him for 5 minutes without us arguing.

Though I find Benzo like my dad, Ekko as my brother and Vander as the fun uncle. The other four are my best friends.

But now I'm in my teenage years I've been questioning myself. How exactly?

Well.. I thought I likes boys but everytime I get near vi and she does literally anything or even looks at me my heart does flips and my stomach does a dance.

She's a couple months older than me and taller than me, she uses that to her advantage to bully me.

She makes fun of me how I'm younger and how I'm so short compared to her. But to be honest I love it, I love the attention I get from her.

Ekko has a little, scratch that a massive crush on Powder, I make fun of him for that.

And he makes fun of me for being gay, it's even. But recently Vi asked me if I wanted to go on a job with her and everyone else.

Ekko gave them this tip, I agreed. I would be out of my mind of I turned it down.

But one problem, I hate fighting.. I'm scared I will loose someone I care about like I did my parents.

I feel fine in a fight due to adrenaline but watching people fight puts me back to the bridge and I break down.

But this job will be different, this job will get me closer to Vi, I can feel it!

Hey guys, if you're reading this thank you so much, but if like 2 of you are I mean fair enough I just posted but I hope you liked it, I know there's not a lot of vi x reader fic's so I wanted to be of service so ye I hope you enjoy and ye see you when I post next love you all!!!

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