The Lost

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I sit at my desk at school. Tom's seat remains empty. He's probably visiting his brother. His twin. He's been in a mental unit ever since I met Tom in year six. My train of thought snaps as Garret taps me on the back. I smile round at him. He smiles back showing off his perfect features. I personally hate Tom now. He's such a freak. He's always… watching me. Like he knows something. It gives me the chills. Garret pokes my back again. His face of exasperation makes me burst out in laughter. The teacher gives me a piercing look and I quickly turn back around. I feel a creeping smile spread through my body. Suddenly the door opens. Tom walks in. He has a large cut on his cheek.

"I'm sorry I'm late miss. I had to go to… the doctors" Tom says, slowly moving his feet. He slings his bag over his chair and sits down. I feel scared. Who did that to him. I suddenly notice that Garret it smiling. I kick him. I know he's weird but whoever did this to him is sick. I tap my finger on my desk.

The bell rings for the end of the day. I try to catch up with Tom but he races ahead. He pushes past the crowd and out of the main door. Garret places a hand on my shoulder. He kisses me and I loop my hands around his neck. His thug friends burst into the school. They flash a thumbs up sign at Garret from across the hall. He quickly runs of laughing. I'm left alone standing in the corridor trying to figure out what just happened.


I push past the crowd. I see Garret's friends entering the school. Angry tears well in my eyes. How dare they hit me. I feel anger flush though my body and I kick a dustbin. I'm walking to the mental hospital. James still lives there. I flick open my phone and stare at Casey's features in a picture I had taken. I push open the door of the hospital. I un-plug from my       i-pod. I walk over to the visiting room. James sits across the room. He wears a grey jumper and his hair is even messier than mine. His whole face is full of worry. He saw the same dream I did. Only he must of seen past the part I died. I pull out a seat. I think of Casey and all the worries I had suddenly diminish. I stare at  James. Words don't come from either of us. Tears start to slide James's face.

"Please… please don't go after Casey" He whispers through sobs. I stare down at my feet. I know he's right.

"I… I have to James. You saw what Garret is going to do to her!" I whisper back at James. I feel my head start to heat up.

"And you saw what Garret is going to do to YOU" Shouts James, standing up. Everyone in the room looks round at us. I stand up feeling my breathing increase. I walk out. I slam the door. James shouts after me. I walk out of the room. I walk down the street. The golden light is gone. There is only grey. I get home and run into my room. I stare around at the pictures of Casey. I huddle on the bed sheets. I look at her face and I feel tears slide down my face. I feel sleep pull on my head…

A man falls in the alley. Someone stamps down on his back. It snaps. The man above him produces a gun. Pulls the trigger. I call out. Wave my arms in the air. The man has blood pouring down his head. The blood stains his brown hair. It creeps down the screens in his glasses. His eyes stare up at me un-moving….

I'm awake. I breathe deeply. Sun pours through the ragged curtains in my window. I shake. I turn on the radio. The reporter talks about a body being found in an alley near our school. Adam Martin, 20, dead. He had brown hair and wore glasses. I shake my head. I saw it. I saw it all. I feel tears track down my cheeks. It is going to happen. I am going to die. Me an James really can see it. I huddle in a ball. My breath slows as I stare at Casey. She makes it all better. I need to go after her. I need to.

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