Shaken By Him- Ch. 7

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It's been a while since I put a chapter up for this story..


On days like this I'm glad when it stormy outside. There is something about storms that calms me. I don't know what it is, and I can't tell you why.  Sitting on my bed I grab my favorite book Pretty Little Liars and crack it open to the last chapter I left off on. Five minutes into the book my door bell rings and I throw the book on my comforter and head down the stairs answer the door.

When I open the door I'm surprised to see Zerlinda standing there soaked in the pouring rain. I roll my eyes at her and open the door wider to let her in.

"Hey, girly I just stopped my to get a little bit more work done on our projects." She explained, throwing her soaked rain coat on my couch.

"Z, it's storming outside, Why in the world would you even be out in this weather?" I asked,  while getting a cup out of my cabinet intent on making hot chocolate.

"I don't know, I was bored and you know, how I am about school work." She said, with a shrug

"I forgot, about that" 

She laughs and push her shoulder into mine "Hey, if your making some hot coco for yourself why don't you make some for me...your best friend." She implied, giving me her  sad puppy dog face to which I couldn't say no to.

I reluctantly get another cup from the cabinet and pour some water into each cup placing them both in the microwave to heat up. When the microwave beeps I  carefully remove the cups and pour the packets of hot chocolate and mini marshmallows into the  cups. I get the spoon off the counter and begin to  stir my cup of coco, handing  Zerlinda her cup. We walk  the living room to talk about how our day went so far.  Before I sit down I remove Zerlinda's coat from the couch and hang it on our coat rack. We spend an hour talking about our upcoming tests and which teachers we like and dislike, also talk about her upcoming date. She has this thing where she likes a different guy every week. I keep telling her to just find one guy that she will actually be with but she always brushes it off saying this isn't the time to date in high school. Until she was asked out in a date. But  I have to agree with her that nothing good comes out of dating in high school. Many do it and some actually stay together to my surprise. We spend another 2o minutes getting the layout for our project laid out, with all the  information that we collected.  We spend over two more  hours working on our project, because Zerlinda is such a perfectionist and we have to make sure that we are satisfied with how it turns out.

After and exhausting 2 hours and 20 minutes of agonizing. Torture. We finally complete the project.

Zerlinda grabs both of our cups and walks to the kitchen to refill our drinks. The second she steps into the kitchen my phone start to play drunk in love indicating that I have a call. I reach for my phone checking the caller ID when I see the same number that was texting me earlier today in school. I immediately hit the ignore button, sitting my phone back on the table. When Zerlinda walks back into the living room with our second cups of hot chocolate,  my phone starts to ring again and before I could get to it Zerlinda snatches it from the table and hits the answer button.

"Katies phone Zerlinda speaking" she says flashing me a smile "I knew you would've called sooner or later...hold on  for a sec..k?" She then presses the phone to her chest mouthing something I can't understand to me. It takes me a few minutes to realize, what she is mouthing is a person's name.
I squint at her mouth trying to make out the name. She *hmps* and mouths the word slower to me.  My eyes winded when I realize that it's Cameron's name she was trying to say. I wave my arms around frantically, mouthing back to her no. But  she ignores my frantic waving and shoves the phone into my hand.

"He..hello?" I whisper
"Why are you whispering" he said whispering in the same hushed tone.

"Why are you calling me?" I asked, with Zerlinda eyeing me cautiously

"Possibly because I just wanted to talk, did you ask yourself that?" He joked on the other line.

"Seriously what's your motive" I say, getting annoyed that he's dodging my question.

"I actually need your help, with something"  I stop short in the middle of getting up, receiving a weird glance from Zerlinda, I shrug in response.

"What is it?" I ask, sitting back down into the couch

"Well, it's more of a favor than wanting you to do something." 


"See the thing is my sister has been talking no-stop about you. Since your little run it at school, and she thought it would be a good came over for dinner"

"Your joking right" I practically laugh out loud "she barely knows me"

"My sister is a friendly person, and it wouldn't hurt will it?"  He's right about that

"No, I guess not..when is this dinner thing suppose to be?" I ask, glancing at Zerlinda who is practically laying on top of me trying to listen in on the conversation, while taking a sip of my drink.

"'s tonight"

"Tonight!" I say, almost chokeing on my hot chocolate

"I'm sorry for the sudden rush and all but my sister, can be very prescient"

"I'm sure....I'll be there." I groan before hanging up the phone I  ask what time I should be there. He tells me to meet them at the strip mall around 8:00 and that I'll follow them to their house. I look up at the clock, and see that it's almost 20 minutes till 8o'clock and rush Zerlinda out the door so I can get ready. Once she out I rush upstairs and throw on a pair of Jean and a tank top. I'll just rock the causal look, I mean there is no real reason to get really dressed up for this.

Once I'm dressed, I head down the stairs grabbing my keys on the way out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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