Shaken By Him-Prologue

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Shaken By Him Prologue

a pic of katies brother Sean :


this is my second story that im writing i hope u enjoy it!!! Vote* Comment* Fan* PLEASE**** THANKS*** : )

"Katie wake up now, it's all most time for school!" MY mom yells from down stairs.  Great I have my own personal alarm clock. what joy! I roll over groaning as I put my pillow over my head to try and block out her voice.
"Katie I'm serious get up now, you don't want to be late for your first day of  school do you!" MY mom yells again before she barges into my room wearing her bunny printed robe and slippers with her hair sticking out in all directions. I wanted so much to burn those things its so embarrassing when she wears them.

"I'm up...I'm up mom jeez, just chill okay" I said tiredly,  I sat up stretching my aching muscles. I sit there for a few more minutes before I get up from my warm bed. I walk over  to my dresser and pick out what I'm going to wear. I decide to wear my yellow tank top and black high waisted shorts. It's never really that hard for me to pick out an outfit because I have a good sense of style. And my dad thinks the best way to earn my love is to buy me anything and everything everything I want. I decided to pair my outfit with my high knee saddles.

  I head to my bathroom and snag one of my towels from my towel rack. Jumping in the shower I let the warm sensation of the water hit my body and try to clam my nerves down about school. I turn the handle of the shower knob to turn off and hop out of the shower.

I  put on my clothes and make my way down thebstairs and into the kitchen. Seating myself into my chair I began to devour my  breakfast. As I'm eating my eyes drift towards our clock oh crap it's almost 7:40! school start in 10 minutes. I thought to myself, I  jump from my chair and run to the front door before I can reach the door knob. I'm blocked by my older brother Sean.

"Move Sean, I'm going to be late for school" I say impatiently, tapping my foot on the ground trying to move around him.

"I need a ride to school little sis and plus you have to drive me to school remember?" he said without giving me a chance to answer he yells I love you to  mom and dad. Opening the door, heading to my car.

 I roll my eyes at him, the only reason I have to drive him to school is because he wrecked his car and now I'm being punished.  He also thinks that being seen in my car  will somehow make him more popular than he already since I have the new model. I push pass him and  i step outside, instantly I'm greeted with the warmth of the sun.  I walk to my red 2011 dodge charger and throw my stuff in the back seat of the car.  I see my brother run to my car and  has has the nerve to do one of those jump and slide thing across my hood.  You know what I mean where a person runs to the car and jumps and slide on the hood with a perfect ladning. Being the athletic god my brother is he's able to slide across the hood of my car and land swiftly on his feet.  

"Hey, watch the paint loser" I yelled at him through my window. He jumps into the passenger seat and buckle himself in. I start the engine and speed down the road to get to school on time luckily we made it before homeroom startes. We don't live that far from the school. But I like to be punctual.

I step out of the car and was  greeted by my best friend Zerlinda.Her name is means beautiful dawn in hebrew. I've always thought her name and look was exotic. Everyone  thought she was beautiful with her long curly brown hair, blue eyes and tan skin.

"Hey, girly what's up" she exclaimed excitedly

"Nothing much, by the way l totally heart your dolce and gabbana dress and your  louis vuitton shoes to cute" I say in my best massive block voice. Hand in hand  we make our way to the front of the school. Yeah we watch the clique movie a little to much.

"Thanks" she chirped "I mean look at you".

I laugh at her and shake my head as we walk up the stairs to the school to the entrance. When   we enter the school a big poster hangs  on the wall that says "All freshman report to the auditorium" and  it has an arrow pointing in the direction. we start walking in that direction and as soon as we reach the auditorium seniors are standing outside the door handing out booklets. We each take one and head on inside. The auditorium is bigger than I expected it has to least atleas seat 340 students. We walk down the aisle and sit in the second row from the stage the lights start to dim and a tall muscular man steps on the stage.

"Good morning students and welcome to your first day of at school at Alhambra High as you may or may not know. I'm your Principal Mr. Radcliff and as the class of 2011 I expect nothing less than what I expect from my other students. Also keep in mind  that you have to keep your grades and attendance up  and mostly your attitude towards the teacher and student here. You  seem like a bunch of good crowd of kids so don't disappoint me.  But moving on in your booklets you will find your class  and lunch schedules. Usually we would have all of you eat with each grade level  but for now all of you will eat together. I know you guys are getting hungry so you can head on to breakfast" After he gets done he steps down from the stage and smiles at us. We both smile back  and go to the lunch room.

"Hey, I'm going to get our food and you can go and get our seats. What do you want?"  Zerlinda asks as I was look around the lunch room for any available seats.

"A cheese burger and fries I guess" I  respond, more worried about looking for a seat than eating.

"Okay do-key I'll be right back with our food" she says as she walks to the line.

I spot a table near the window and decided that's where were going to be sit at. When I get there I put our stuff in the seats so no one would take them.  I turn around to go and tell Zerlinda that I found some seats near the window. When I bumped right into someone.

"Hey, watch were you're going!" I yell annoyed

"My bad...but it's you who needs to watch where your going...not me" he said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"I don't think so" I say annoyed at his tone of voice. I look up and come face to face to a tall muscular guy.  I'm standing there stunned at how amazingly beautiful he is. With his dark brown hair that falls over his green eyes. He has on a Ed Hardy shirt and a pair of white jeans. I look over his shoulder to see Zerlinda coming over with our food. I quickly regain my senses and stick out my hand for him to shake it.

"I'm Katie Holmes and over there is my best friend Zerlinda" I say with a smile on my face, pointing at my best friend.

"Well, I guess I should introduce myself then, I'm  Cameron....Cameron Taylor" he said with a smirk.
First chapter coming soon...

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