
17 2 0

Y / n: Oh, it's back to school. YEOSANG COME DOWN WE HAVE
SCHOOL !!!!!!
Yeosang: Oh, I'm coming
Y / n: I'll write to my friends in advance.

Y / n: are you there already?
Y / f / n 1: I'll be there soon
Y / f / n 2: I'm already there. When are you coming?
Y / n: Because of yeosang, I think I'll be late ...
Y / f / n 3: Ok, let's go
Y / f / n 1: I'm waiting for Y / n
All: Okkk

* You have just arrived now and you see Y / f / n 1 *

Y / n: Thanks for waiting for me
Y / f / n1: No problem

POV Y / n:
Oh nooo 2 hours math you are not serious


Y / f / n4: Hey guys, my crush is playing football, are you coming with me?
All: Yes

* We all watched them and Y / f / n 1 was busy with her friends *

*Ding Dong*

Y / n: Oh the doorbell rang. Come on, let's go now.

* We all went behind them. Suddenly Y / f / n1 was talking about a boy *

Y / n: Who are you talking about?
Y / f / n1: The one in front of us with the black long hair.Do you see him?
Y / n: Ah I see him.

POV Y / n:
Oh, I can't concentrate anymore since I've seen him. Gosh what's wrong with me!?!?!? I don't even know him yet. Travel together Y / n !!!!

* I saw him again after school. I stayed a little longer in front of the school to watch him. After school I immediately called Y / f / n4 *

Y / n: Hello?
Y / f / n4: Hiii!
Y / n: I have a quick question. Do you know the one with the long hair that we saw today?
Y / f / n4: Yes something. Why the question?
Y / n: Just like that, I wanted to know what his name is. Do you know it so spontaneously right now?
Y / f / n4: Of course! I think his name is San
Y / n: Thank you ^^
Y / f / n4: No problem, I have to hang up now. Is this a problem.
Y / n: No, no, everything is fine.

POV Y/n:

(1 week later)
* I couldn't get it out of my head so I decided to have something to eat and studied something for school, but when I realized that I couldn't concentrate at all, I stopped studying *

Y / n:what's the point of learning now. I rest a little

* I picked up my cell phone and read my messages. Suddenly Y / f / n1 & 5 were talking about San *

Y / n: I don't want it to come off wrong but you know that I've been talking about him for 1 week !!
Y / f / n1: Oh sorry I didn't know that. I don't think I heard you right, but you misunderstood me ..
Y / f / n5: I'm sorry, I don't mean it that way ...
Y / n: All good. Is not so bad
Y/n: What the hell Nooo
All: I see
All: Okay, okay I don't say anything HAHAHAH

Maybe I really fell in love...

(Hi! I just wanted to point out that this is a true story. Her life was like a ff and I had to make a story and publish it. Of course, a bit of imagination is used to make it more exciting. I'm really sorry right now that this ep is a bit short. I changed the names because it was supposed to be a "San ff". A little info: Y:n= Your Name, Y/f/n: Your frends name. What do you think will happen in Ep2? Is she really in love?)

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