Ep4/ 네

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Y/n: I have to go to class now have fun at school
Mingi: Thank you too

* I walked down the aisle. When I wanted to open the glass door I felt a hand on my hand. I winced and because the person was so tall I had to look up to see the person. It was San. Was that extra or accidental?! I walked a little faster so San wouldn't notice how red I was blushing.*

When she said goodbye to us, I had an urge to be next to her and I followed her. When I saw her hand on the doorknob, I didn't think much about it and put my hand on hers. What is happening to me?!? That is weird!! I want to talk to her.

San: Y/n?
Y/n: Y-Yes?
San: What's your fav color?
Y/n: Black and yours?
San: Purple
Y/n : Whoa that's a pretty color!
San: Yeah Thank you;)
Y/n: No Problem

*Ding Dong*

Y/n: Oh shit! I think i have to go bye
San: Bye See you

Yeah she's cute...

Hey ^^ Sorry for the long break, I didn't have time at the moment. I have some news though. This story is going to be paused for now because I will start writing another story and then I will continue with this San ff again. Do u have any suggestions as to which person will be the main character? I look forward to replies ;)) Have a good day^^

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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