Ep2/ 둘

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POV Y/n:
Maybe I really fell in love...

*1 Day later*
My day started quite normally. I did my morning routine and this time I wasn't late. Yeosang wasn't so lazy this time either. Let's say "lucky". When I arrived at the school, I already saw my friends

Y/n: Hii! You guys are really early in school
Y/f/n6: Surprisingly you too
Y/f/n3: Is it because of Saaaaannn??
All: Uhhhh~ There must be someone in love!!
Y/n: How many times do I have to tell you!? No! i don't love him and i just came early because yeosang wasn't so lazy this time ok?!
Y/f/n1: Awww is someone angry
Y/n: Heeyy! It's not funny
Y/f/n5: Y/n...
Y/n: What!
Y/f/n5: Look who's here

POV Y/n:
It was San... My heart was beating so loud. His laugh made me happy but why?

* I looked at him and he looked at me too. Suddenly I got nervous and didn't know what to do. I went left, right and straight and then ran away*

POV Y/n:
Gosh that was embarrassing...

* After the first lesson*

Y/f/n1: Why did you just run away?
Y/f/n3: Looks like you're in love with San!
Y/n: No! I only saw the time and then I quickly ran to class.
Y/f/n6: Save yourself the excuses. 1. You were nervous and 2. we know you too well.
Y/n: I'm not in love!
Y/f/n2:  guys we have to go to class
Y/n: What do we have now?
Y/f/n2: chemistry
Y/n: Ok

* On the way to the chemistry class we saw San and his friends*

Y/f/n4: I think they have classes next to us
Y/f/n4: Pssssttt are u stupid or something?!
Y:n: Ohh sorry

* san and his friends announce me*

Y/n: Do you all know?
Y/f/n3: Sure! They are all 1 year older. San has a brother. He's right next to him. Do you see him?
Y/n: Yes!
Y/f/n3: Perfect. His name is Wooyoung
Y/f/n1: There's Hongjoong. He's the smallest of them all
Y/n: I see
Y/f/n4: There's my crush. You should know that
Y/n: Yes, yes i remember
Y/f/n4: His name is Mingi
Y/f/n3: Then there is yunho and jongho.
Y/n: May I know how you all know this?
Y/f/n3: It's actually very simple, for example, when someone calls San, and when San comes, you know it immediately
Y/f/n1: I know the names because a friend. She is in the same class with San.
Y/n: I see
Y/f/n6: guys were have arrived

* We are in front of the door and I already know that I will sleep*

San's point of view:

San: Guys do you see these girl groups?
All: now
Mingi: Is she stupid or something?! Why is she yelling through the school!?
Jongho: It doesn't matter. What did you want to say San?
San: What I wanted to say is that I've seen this group of girls so many times. Isn't it weird?
Wooyoung: Right! Maybe they don't do it extra.
San: Could be
Wooyoung: Or you noticed one person from the group! Do not you think?
San: Not that I know of
Hongjoong: They're studying next to us right now.

Y/n view:

*ding dong*

Y/n: Finally the doorbell rang

* We all went out and at the same time San and his friends came out. I noticed a person staring at me. I looked at the person looking at me and it was San. We looked at each other until I realized we were making eye contact. I turned and walked on*

POV Y/n:
Omg did we make eye contact?!!!?????!!! My heart is beating so fast!

*end of school*

Y/n: I'm going home a little early today, I'm a little exhausted
Y/f/n5: Ok

*Arrived home*

Y/n: Phew, I'm exhausted
Y/n: Ha-Ha very funny
Yeosang: How are you?
Y/n: Are you sick or something? you never ask that
Yeosang: Who said I was serious?
Yeosang: It's okay!

*I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him*

Y/n Big Sister: What's going on here?!
Y/n: Oh don't ask..

*Few hours later*

Y/n: Mom, I'm going out.
Y/n's mother: Ok take care
Y/n: Yes, I will

* I went for a walk. On the way home I saw a person.*

Hello, finally a new episode has arrived. This week was really exhausting for me. Well got it now. Have fun:)

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