Chapter 2: Wolves and Alex

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Christopher held his knife and machete in a defensive position, preparing himself for a fight that was drawing near. His instincts were heightened by the sudden rustles from the bush, anxiety slowly crept to him.
"Hello! Is anyone there?" Christopher nervously asked "I'm not afraid to kill!"
He slowly walked towards the bush, taking precautions and imagining what horrors would lie behind it. As he got near, he heard a woman's voice crying for help, he immediately sheathed his weapons and ran straight to the source.
He sprinted with the sense of urgency, his mind thinking of nothing but the woman's needs.
When he finally reached the source, what he saw shocked him to the bones. Two young women badly wounded, one was dressed in a mage outfit that was made from the south and the other was wearing battle armour made only for knights. He hurried to their aid.

"What happened to you?!" Christopher curiously asked
"Just get us somewhere safe and we'll tell you" the mage replied. Not long enough, Christopher heard howling behind them.
"WOLVES!" Christopher muttered "See that tree, from there you turn right, and just keep going forward, until you reach a hut. Tell the man you're friends with Chris and he will let you in!"
"Thank you very much" The mage replied
"Just go!" Christopher commanded
He watched as the two followed his directions
"Now let's deal with these canines" He said, unsheathing his weapons
He stood his ground as the wolves surround him, gnarling and barking.
"5 big wolves" Christopher said to himself "A substitute for those poor rabbits"
When one wolf tried to pounce, Chris stabs it with his knife, and he throws the carcass to the ground, recovering from its attack. He remained his defensive position, but this time he was also slashing and hacking. One by one the wolves bled to death, ending a dangerous conflict. But Chris obtained some injuries, in his shoulder and arms, He has been trough worst. He grabbed his skinning knife and started to skin the wolves one by one, obtaining their pelts and some meat.
"This will get me about..... 50 shillings" Christopher said counting the money he would get from the shiny fur taken from the wolves "Enough to get me trough the winter"
Suddenly he remembered a more important matter
"Those girls need help" Christopher said to himself thinking what happened to them.
He sprinted trough the snowy canopy of the forest, burying his feet deeper in the snow. He closed in on the hut, seeing black smoke coming from the chimney. knowing that Alex took the girls in,
He sighed a breath of relief. As he reached for the door knob, he heard a very aggravated voice.
"You pervert!!!"
He quickly turned the knob and entered without permission. Inside was a mess, the vases were smashed, the winter coats were on the ground, and some portraits were barely clinging to the wall.
"What happened here?" Christopher thought
"Get over here!" A high pitched scream came from Alex's room
"I didn't do anything, i promise!" Alex yelled from the top of his lungs "I swear i didn't take a peek!"
"Take a peek? At what?" Christopher asked himself, still standing in the doorway "Oh Alex please don't tell me you...."
"I was changing clothes you low life scum!!!"
AN- sorry about that i was feeling very lazy to update, but here it is. I hope you like it!

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