Chapter 3: A wounded girl

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"I was changing clothes you low life scum!" A voice rang trough the humble hut.
Christopher stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do with his miserable friend.
He hung his bow on the nearby stand, and decided to tell the others of his presence.
"I'm back!" He shouted with a hint of awkwardness and embarrassment.
Alex ran out the room and hid behind Chris like little child "Chris! Thank God you're back" Alex muttered "hide me from that demon, Please!!!" His voice stuttering
"Who did you call demon?!" The girl said running out the room wearing nothing but a fur towel that extends from her chest to her legs "I will tear you to pieces!!" She yelled holding an officer's pistol
"It was an accident, i promise!!" Alex shouted trying to calm the raging knight, that he provoked "I only tried to introduce myself! I meant no harm!!!"
"Then i will introduce your face to my bullets!!" The knight said pointing her pistol right on Alex's face "Step away from the pervert!"
"Me?" Chris asked
"Yes, you!" The knight replied
"Alright" Chris said jokingly stepping away from Alex
"Chris, why do you abandon me?!" Alex retaliated raising his arms, trying to ask for mercy
"I have enough problems to deal with" Chris replied heading to his room "besides this one is feisty"
He said leaving the two alone.
As he got in the room, the feeling immediately turned eerie, sending chills down his spine.
He noticed something unusual, a mage's uniform was neatly folded near the bed, included in the mysterious tunic was a violet bra with golden linings near the edge, and a pink panty decorated with flowers. He stood there, wandering whose uniform was it. While he was guessing he remembered there was two girls, one in a knight's armour and the other in a mage's tunic. Before he fully absorbed the situation, he heard a girl pant in his bed. Surprised by the girl's sudden breathing, he got curious, and walked nearer to the bed. He saw the mage's face, and noticing that she could barely breath. Panic went to his mind, he started taking off the fur sheets that cover her body, not knowing what heavenly sight awaited him. As he removed the final sheet, he discovered that the mage wore nothing but bandages that cover most of her privates, he noticed the bandages were covered in blood.
"What happened to you?!" Chris asked, enraged by the thought that someone did this to a beautiful maiden. noticing that her petite body couldn't handle this much blood loss, he started getting more bandages to cover up the barely dressed wounds.
He slowly lifted the girl's body and carefully dressed the wounds, but he made sure that bandages were tight enough to stop the bleeding. He looked at the job he has done and felt sure that the bleeding would stop, all he could do now was wait and pray for her to be okay. Surprised by his sudden care for the strange girl, he thought about asking the enraged knight who she was and who's the mage. He stood up and walked slowly towards the door, while eyeing the poor wounded mage. As got out, he noticed that Alex was missing, and the knight was sitting on a table. "Ahh. Finally you have come out, i haven't introduced myself properly" The knight politely held out her hand to shake mines "the name is Samantha Cruz, but my friends call me Sam"
Chris swiftly held her hand and shooked it furiously, excited by the thrill of a new friend.
"The name is Christopher Adams, but my friends call me Chris or Adam" Chris said finally letting go of Sam's hand
"The other girl that i was accompanying is Claire Evans, don't get me wrong but even though she looks helpless she could put up a hell of a fight" Sam bragged placing her hands to her hips.
"You look like you have a lot of admiration towards her" Chris said eyeing the proud face of Sam.
"She's the reason why i became a knight!" Sam braggingly looked at the sky "We were friends since we were kids, we met in an orphanage. My parents were of noble blood and i was their only child, on my sixth birthday i asked for a sister with the same age as me, although my parents were confused, but they reluctantly agreed. We were gonna adopt from the local church. At first i was worried that i wasn't going find me a suitable sister, but then i saw her... Claire. She was bullied by the other children and abused by the nuns there. I didn't know why but i promised i would get her out of there. And i did"
Chris was in awe, he didn't realize that the world would be so cruel at something so fragile.
He noticed that Sam already left, for the pantry room most likely. He eyed the room where the mage was sleeping, and decided to see if the bleeding had already stopped. He reluctantly turned the knob, and entered with hesitation. He noticed that the mage was already back on her feet, but struggled to keep on her feet.
"I see you're already up" Chris said, peeking from the door "you shouldn't stand up yet"
AN- sorry for the very long time i didn't update. I was on vacation with my cousins. Anyways hope you enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2015 ⏰

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