The contract.

19 1 0

Yey Im back!

The cold wind tried unsuccessfully to blow the heavy, dust-filled air around you. Traveling to this hole seemed unpleasant, but being in it seemed even worse. The sun had practically no chance of breaking through the heavy black clouds, so there was semi-darkness with occasional green and red glow. Your only source of light were the areoles, in fact the light from your two wouldn't have made it if not for the powerful aura around Uriel. It was the cause of your slight jealousy that he could remain in his original form and you were ordered to take on a human shell, which despite being born in it you were heartily tired of. You didn't want to be here. Even if this was to be your last step towards repentance and becoming a true angel, the whole situation seemed extremely stupid to you. To tame a demon? Make him repent? HA! Those above clearly hadn't dealt with creatures of darkness in a long time. None of them have ever looked for reformation and the fact that one manmade demon started causing too much trouble is not your problem. You were created/born to fight them, not to make pacts that will sooner or later be broken over and over again. You were pulled out of your reverie by the hand on your shoulder that belonged to your guardian. Despite the lack of eyes, you could feel him easily scanning your figure.

-Something happened, (y/n)? I understand your despair caused by... - He waved one of his hands - ...this place, but for now we are here to negotiate, nothing more.

An encouraging smile appeared on his face.

-Black Hat himself initiated the meeting, so everything is going our way.

-Or is this another trick to get rid of us.

You snapped as you pressed the gold bell button with the hat pattern on it. The silence around was broken by the sound of a bell coming as if from a bell tower and then the gate opened in a gesture inviting you in. Walking down the cobbled path you noticed that the garden of the house consisted only of dead trees and dry grass, as if all life had vanished there. You looked up to see huge windows in heavy frames with red glass panes. In the largest of them you noticed a dark figure looking at the two of you walking towards the main door.

-This must be the master of the house expecting us.

Uriel said with a truly heavenly calmness and then he rang the second door bell. The huge, heavy wooden door opened of its own and the hallway was flooded with beaming light. A shiver ran down your spine, you had just entered the monster's lair.

-E-exuse me... Sir? Miss?

Your gazing at the décor and furnishings was interrupted by the quiet voice of a man coming from the stairs. Dressed in a manner unsuitable for this elegant place with a paper bag on his head, he loudly swallowed the lump in his throat and spoke addressing your superior.

-Boss is expecting you in his office, please follow me.

Without waiting for an answer he moved upstairs, where the office was most likely located. Walking on the ornate carpets you could sense all the shadows, the creatures of this house hiding from you, they sensed the presence of the celestial being and their simple instincts told them it was better to stay low for now if they wanted to exist.The house was filled with silence and a thick, heavy atmosphere. On your way you passed paintings of rather horrible landscapes or portraits showing rather black taste of the owner of the house. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed something green and shaggy crawling on the ceiling. When you tried to look at the creature, it hid in the shadow of the attic with a giggle.

-Wonderful creatures inhabit this place, don't you think?

Uriel noticed your curiosity.

-Allow me to negotiate, but feel free to interject if something is said that goes against you.

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