An Angel in the Moonlight

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Y/N raised a confused brow, waiting for him to continue.

"There's only one bed." He exhaled sharply through his teeth. "I'll sleep where I slept earlier then. I don't see the issue." Y/N said bluntly, knowing damn well why just one bed would be awkward as hell for two strangers to share.

Y/N's response made Heisenberg feel like a clown. His expression was unamused and straight, as his rounded tea shades slipped down his nose, resting on the tip. His eyes were revealed, looking down at Y/N. Piercing eyes but they couldn't quite make out the colour. "Actually. I should continue my work. I'll stay awake and then tomorrow, I can have my bed back." He scoffed dragging his heavy boots through the various different rooms, finally reaching the bottom of the interior balcony.

Flicking his hand upwards the stairs, Heisenberg shooed Y/N away like an old man. "Go on then! Go get your precious beauty sleep." They furrowed their brows together, feeling a spark of annoyance knot in their stomach, but choked back anything smart to say and headed up the stairs.

They felt his eyes watch them walk up the stairs almost elegantly, despite the creaking and the ragged clothes, Y/N looked almost royal. Slightly glistening in the moonlight that so desperately broke itself through the cracks in the roof.

Heisenberg did feel a small pang of guilt in his chest, coming to terms with what truly happened to Y/N. Their happy life with their family and friends instantly torn and ripped away from them with a simple wave of a finger. He couldn't tell them the reasoning for the slaughter, there was nothing that could even justify the malicious nature behind what took place. All of it was selfish, pure selfish. And Heisenberg knew he could've protested against it, but he knew Mother Miranda would feed him to the Lycans herself.

He'd choke back his words, holding his tongue preventing any further anxiety and trauma to Y/N, so he walked away from the balcony, unlocked the door from where his 'project' laid lifeless in the chair.

"My name is Y/N." Their soft voice echoed through the building, making Heisenberg stop in his tracks. "I didn't tell you before." They looked behind their shoulder to briefly look at him. Heisenberg looked past his shoulder, averting his eyes from your gaze, feeling like he knew you. Looking back at the ground, he grumbled "Go to bed. There should be some fresh clothes in a pile near one of the crates. You're welcome to wear them, or don't. I don't care, your choice." He heaved himself through the door, locking it behind him, not waiting for a reply from Y/N.

The sudden abrupt atmosphere left Y/N confused. But shrugged it off and padded over to the pile of clothes Heisenberg offered. Y/N lifted the shirt from the pile, an off-white, buttoned shirt. Underneath the shirt lay a dark brown pair of cargo pants and a belt.

Looking around to see in anyone could see Y/N, they surveyed the area, spotting no sign of life and began to undress themself hurriedly. Buttoning up the shirt, slipping on the pants, but leaving the belt since they were about to go to bed.

Relieving a sigh, Y/N slumped over to the bed, lazily lifting the thick wolf pelted covers and slid themself underneath them. Wrapping in the covers like a freshly made burrito. It was warm and toasty, but had a musky smell to them. Like a foggy scent of m a n hinted with the smell of burnt wood and basil. The burnt wood and basil smell was pleasant and luckily overpowered the musk.

Closing their eyes softly, Y/N allowed the sweet embrace of sleep to sweep them off of their feet. Finally concluding the horrific day.

Yo I'd like to share my deepest, sincerest apologies for the short chapter today, I was desperate to finish the first day of the story so get ready for a ride after this chapter dawg ‼️‼️

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